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APPPC Regional Workshop on Strategic Planning for 2022-2028 (13 Dec 2021) - Provisional Agenda
The purpose of this workshop is to develop forward looking assessments and predictive analysis on the future of the APPPC. These insights will contribute to the development of the APPPC Strategic Plan 2022-2028, which will be submitted for adoption at the 32nd APPPC Session.
1st Newsletter for 2018
The 1st quarter newsletter for 2018 reports on the main activities implemented in January to March 2018 based on the APPPC 2018-2019 biennium work plan including some activities finance by FAO in supporting the APPPC activities. The APPPC executive secretary urge all members to update and upload their main activities in plant quarantine, pest management and pesticide management to ensure that the information exchange activities among members in facilitation of agriculture trade will be strengthen and benefited our service groups of producers and farmers. Attach the newsletter for your reading and update information.
Revitalizing Integrated Pest Managemnt in Indonesia
FAO project TCP/INS/3403 and TCP/INS/3601 implemented in Indonesia to developed and up-scaling the community approach IPM in ensuring enhance cooperation and dissemination of knowledge and information to farmers on pest outbreak prevention. The project outcome have manage to equip farmers on environmental friendly agriculture production techniques using biocontrol agents and ecosystem service and also better understand the negative impacts of misusing pesticides. The detail new as attach. >
2017 Fourth Quarter APPPC Newsletter
The 4th Quarter newsletter report on the successful meeting in Rotorua, New Zealand. More than 80 participants from 19 APPPC member countries attended and present their countries report on the progress and changes in the past 2 years, endorsed the 2018-2019 biennium work plan. In the special session, the SPS issues for movement of seeds was discussed and also sharing experiences in fostering government and private partnership. For more detail see the attach newsletter.
Red Palm Weevil Control -EMPRES Newsletter
Information on the Red Palm weevil was publish by EMPRES in describing the severity that it could cost for date palm and possible integrated management to reduce the impact on smallholders. The detail available at the link: >
30th APPPC session in Rotorua, New Zealand
The 30th APPPC Session was held from 20-24 November 2017 in Rotorua, New Zealand. About 80 participants participate from 20 APPPC member countries. The meeting discussed the progress of the last biennium, country's report and prepare work plan for the next biennium of 2018-2019. The detail new as attach. >
Second Quarter APPPC newsletter
The 2nd Quarter Newsletter share the progress on APPPC activities from April to June 2017, up coming activities and brief news. Detail of the achievement as attach.>
First quarter 2017 Newsletter
The First Quarter Newsletter share progress and up-coming activities of APPPC. In this newsletter, brief new highlight the problems of emerging pests of Yellow Spined Bamboo Locust and Red Palm Weevils as early warning to neighboring countries in the region. We are please to receive your feedback to improve the newsletter. Thank You
Insect and pest control newsletter - FAO/IAEA
The FAO/IAEA newsletter on insect an pest control for January 2017 was just been published. Here attach the new letter for your members information and references>
4th Quarter Newsletter 2016
The 4th quarter newsletter related to the APPPC progress achievement and coming activities as reference to all members. Hopefully with this newsletter more interaction could be developed and higher achievement in next year activities. Detail of the newsletter as attach>
Third APPPC New Letter
The third APPPC new Letter report on the progress make during July to September 2016 and upcoming events. It could be a reference for APPPC members countries for the up coming activities organized by the APPPC Secretariat. The work on preparing the RSPM on Hot Water Treatment for Mango is still in Progress.>
Report on the strengthening and revitalization of Integrated Pest Management Implementation and Pesticide Management System in Indonesia
Strengthening and revitalization of Integrated Pest Management Implementation and Pesticide Management System was implemented in six rice growing districts in Java Island, Indonesia. The project was initiated to address the issues of brown plant hopper (BPH) outbreak and also to reduce the usage of pesticides to control BPH. The project started in January 2014 and will be extended until 2017. This project focus on landscape-scale IPM with combination of aquaculture and e-pest surveillance.>
APPPC Newsletter
The 2nd Newsletter for our APPPC member countries is ready for your viewing. The content consist of massage from the desk of Executive secretary, update on implemented and up coming activities. Additional information on new OCS for draft ISPMs and Cassava Mosaic Disease incursion in Cambodia. Hopefully, this will update APPPC member countries what is happening in the 2nd quarter of 2016. >
new OCS guidelines for country comments on draft ISPMs-prior to regional workhsop on review of draft ISPMs
1. New OCS: IPPC secretariat have developed an OCS user manual, along with a presentation and factsheet specifically aimed at preparing workshop participants to use the new system prior, during and after the workshops. You can find them at the bottom of the following page: Please note that, during the regional workshop week, all OCS users may see each other comments, and it will be up to the assigned lead to sort the comments from countries in the region (only substantive and technical ones, if you deem so appropriate). A way to avoid this would be to ask workshop participants to prepare their written comments, to be then discussed verbally and added manually into the OCS during the meeting. More reference: 2. Submission of draft country comments through the OCS: Please kindly be reminded that the country draft comments on the draft ISPMs should be uploaded to OCS prior to the regional workshop (Asia: 25-29 July) on review of draft ISPMs for sharing with other participants at the meeting. 3. Draft ISPMs: Following revision of the standard setting procedure agreed to by IPPC contracting parties at CPM-11 (2016), the following first consultation will last 90 days and will take place from 1st July to 30th September 2016, and will be run through the new OCS: In order to get your OCS license, please contact: [email protected]. 4. the new OCS will be implemented starting from 1 July 2016 >
IPPC Call for the phytosanitary technical resources
International Plant Protection Secretariat (IPPC) is calling for contracting parties to contribute phytosanitary technical resources to advance the IPPC Implementation pilot project on surveillance, for specific work on three example pests of interest:
• Xylella fastidiosa
• Bactrocera invadens
• Invasive ants
IPPC Secretariat issues a call for the following technical resources related to three example pests:
• Ongoing and past projects
• Manuals/guidance, case studies, standard operational procedures, factsheets, websites and databases
• Software applications - including mobile apps for identification, diagnosis, surveillance and other activities related to surveillance and targeting different audiences.
• Risk communication resources
Resources are targeting different stakeholders, promoting and explaining pest management decisions, information and education programmes, different risk communication strategies e.g. during emergency, outbreaks and non-emergency conditions, outreach and citizen science programmes. Phytosanitary technical resources can be contributed through the Phytosanitary Resources page in any language, including unofficial United Nations (UN) languages.
For further information and details on how to contribute technical resources please visit the Phytosanitary Resources page.
Additionally, the IPPC Secretariat welcomes expressions of interest from institutions, national plant protection organizations (NPPOs), RPPOs, research organizations and other stakeholders to collaborate on the pilot work focusing on the three example pests.
2016 IPPC Photo Contest: “The Shocking Impacts of Pests”
The International Plant Protection Convention Secretariat is delighted to inform that the submission of the pictures for the second edition of the IPPC Photo Contest entitled “The shocking impacts of pests” has been successfully completed. The jury composed from IPPC Secretariat members, FAO staff and representatives from the National Geographic Italia has selected 25 amazing photos out of the 129 received which will constitute an exhibition. Among these 25 pictures, the 3 winners have also been selected. You are warmly invited to view these pictures at and to vote for your preferred one on the IPPC Facebook page until Wednesday 5 April 2016. The voting is open to public and the participants should consider the quality of the picture and of its caption as well as how well it illustrates the impacts of pests, which is the theme of this year’s photo contest. All 25 selected pictures will be displayed during the week of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures, 4-8 April 2016 in the Flag Hall at the FAO Headquarters in Rome. The top 3 winners will be announced on Thursday 7 April 2016 and will be awarded a photographic training close to their home.
FAO Director General, Mr. Jose Graziano da Silva visited IPM program in Nepal
Director General at the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation, Mr. Jose Graziano da Silva visited the peasants at Kushadevi, Kavre district in Nepal on 12 March 2016 and observed the IPM program conducted by Plant Protection Directorate and technical supported by FAO.
During the visit he observed IPM Community Resource Centre where farmers are producing biopesticides in their laboratory and IPM trained farmers elaborates all the process of production of biopesticides in the resource centre. Mr Jose also expressed his interest in knowing the process of FFS during production of potato seed.
Mr. Jose Graziano da Silva was accompanied by Hon Agricultural Development Minister Mr Hari Bol Prasad Gajurel who expressed satisfaction and happiness to see the local peasants availing IPM facility and reaping double crop production due to it.
He said the new technologies were doing rounds among the peasants due to the increasing level of awareness among them and that he was confident the campaign to alleviate famine in the country would gain a success with the use of the IPM approach among the farmers.
Director-General Jose Graziano da Silva and Hon Minister also participated in the formal farmers gathering program and show their happiness about the very proud work of farmers in the IPM program in Nepal. In discussion with Director-General, farmers of Kusadevi shared that they were applying hazardous pesticides before launching the IPM program yet now they are using biopesticides and producing double and healthy crops in the village and minimizing the use of chemical pesticides in the village.
In response Director-General Jose Graziano da Silva highlighted that the FAO’s presence in the country was meant to provide technical support to the agriculture sector in Nepal and FAO will continue providing its technical support in the IPM program in Nepal.
For more pictures and information on FAO technical assistance to Nepal in IPM and pesticide management in recent years, please download the file below
The NAPPO Expert Group on Potatoes has revised the existing RSPM 3, Movement of potatoes into a NAPPO member country to align it with ISPM 33
The NAPPO Expert Group on Potatoes has revised the existing RSPM 3, Movement of potatoes into a NAPPO member country to align it with ISPM 33, Pest free potato (Solanum sp.) micropropagative material and minitubers for international trade. NAPPO is making the proposed changes available for comments from February 26th to May 31st ,2016. Comments will be accepted only on the texts in black font found in the core text, annexes 2, 3 and 4 and in appendix 2. Please use the format found at the bottom of this link: and send it to your country contact(s) as follows: Canada: Alain Boucher ([email protected]) , copy to Katharine Church ([email protected]) US: Richard Zink ( [email protected]) Mexico: Luís Leonel Espinoza ([email protected])
Report from APPPC Systems Approach Workshop is now available
Participants from 20 countries attended the APPPC System Approach workshop that was held in Bangkok from 30 November to 4 December 2015. It opened with a detailed study of the building of systems approaches. This included discussions on plant quarantine principles, dependent and independent measures, and the sources of systems approaches measures – growing, harvest, post‐ harvest, transport, distribution and intended use. The stages of pest risk analysis, the options for pest risk management and the characteristics of a systems approach were discussed in details. The fundamentals that an NPPO needs to understand in the building of a systems approach were: the pest biology and association with the export commodity; commercial production practices; residual risk that needs application of phytosanitary measures; points where measures can be applied and that measures must be least trade restrictive, well defined and appropriately adopted; linked to named pests and effective against them; adequately documented, monitored and validated with mechanisms for corrective action. For more information and to download the report, please use the following link:
Second edition of “The ePAN”. – ePhyto APPPC News from the working group
Second edition of “The ePAN”. – ePhyto APPPC News from the working group is now available >
Thailand receives FAO Edouard Saouma Award for its international recognition in containing spread of Cassava Pink Mealybug in Greater Mekong Subregion
Curbing the spread of cassava pink mealybug in the Greater Mekong Subregion, for more information, please visit the links below:
Report of the 16th APPPC Regional Workshop on Review of Draft ISPMs (IPPC Workshop Asia-2015) is posted
The 16th APPPC regional workshop on review of draft ISPMs was organized from 19-23 October 2015 in Jeju, Republic of Korea with participation of delegates from 19 countries in the region. This is the 10th hosted and funded by the Republic of Korea. The workshop was opened by Mr Suhyon Rho, Director General of the Department of Plant Quarantine, Rep. of Korea. Dr Piao Yongfan, Executive Secretary of APPPC, welcomed participants on behalf of APPPC and FAO regional office for Asia and Pacific to the 16th APPPC workshop. It was stressed that the workshop would not only review the draft ISPMs but also discuss several important subjects of IPPC, APPPC and CPM, while the workshop provided opportunity of capacity development in some areas to participants. The workshop produced regional comments on the drafts through reviewing two drafts by participants, which will be shared by NPPOs of member countries in the region as one of valuable references for NPPOs to develop own inputs to the drafts. The status of country pest surveillance and update development as well as work plan for the surveillance were shared by participants through presentations followed by discussions on how to move forward. Participants were updated with development of ePhyto, arrangements of IYPH, status of registration of ISPM15 symbol, procedure for submission of formal objection of the adoption of an ISPM, importance of NROs, phytosanitory resources, development of IPPC commodity standards as well as development of an APPPC RSPMs, etc. Several specific activities in line with the APPPC work plan (2016-2017) adopted by the 29th Session of APPPC were highlighted, especially the implementation of ISPMs such as APPPC surveillance implementation work plan (2016-2020) with focus of the next two years, which has been made based on progress achieved in the past four years. The participants highly appreciated the results of the activities of the workshop and shared a significant amount of information in various business of IPPC, CPM and APPPC. It was hoped that the outputs of the workshop may help NPPOs of member countries actively participate in the CPM11 in 2016 with their significant inputs and interventions if necessary. To download the report and relevent documents please click here
Twenty-ninth session of the Asia and Pacific Plant protection Commission (APPPC) has been opened in Bali Island, Indonesia, from 7 to 11 September 2015.
The Twenty-ninth session of the Asia and Pacific Plant protection Commission (APPPC) has been opened in Bali Island, Indonesia, from 7 to 11 September 2015.
The meeting brought together over 60 participants from 21 Member Countries, Japan, Observers from CABI and FAO.
The main principal objectives for the Commission are review the progress, made since last Session in 2013, discuss on work plan for next biennium and approve on the budget for upcoming biennium (2016-2017). In-depth discussion will take place on work programme of each standing committee.
The APPPC Secretariat will present report with the remarkable progress on the implementation of the work plan adopted by the previous Session. Thus, convincing volume of work has been done in areas of plant quarantine, electronic phytosanitary certification, pest surveillance, plant protection, pesticide management, pest management and promotion of sustainable crop production intensification in support food security approaches as well as Implementation of International standards on Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) etc.
Member countries will report update changes and developments and progress since last Session. Emphasis rests on the significance of the organizational changes, revision of plant protection regulations, capacity building activities and collaboration with counterparts and International organisations. Issues and progress on management of pest and pesticides will also be reported.
The commission will carefully examine and synthesize the various main areas of plant protection in the region to be collaborated and coordinated to produce comprehensive work-plan for next biennium.
The importance of APPPC was highlighted by Director-General, Indonesian Agricultural Quarantine Agency in reducing hunger, improving livelihoods of people and overall food security. These will be achieved through meeting the challenge of protecting regional and global plant resources, agricultural resources, forests, natural habitats, biodiversity from transboundary movement of harmful plant pests.
Please access APPPC website to find update information during the week.
FAO assisted Mongolia in establishment of a laboratory for pesticide formulation analysis in Mongolia
FAO assisted Mongolia in establishment of a laboratory for pesticide formulation analysis in Mongolia
A TCP/MON/3404 - Strengthening Plant Protection Institutional Capacity have been implemented since July 2013 and will be by the end of August 2015. As a part of the context, a laboratory for pesticide formulation analysis was established in collaboration with the country program in order to improve the capacity of pesticide quality control. The opening ceremony of the lab was convened on 5 August, 2015 at the Plant Protection Research Institute in Mongolia.
The Mongolian Minister of Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture and other high level officials from both ministries as well as representatives from various stakeholder agencies attended the ceremony. Mr. Percy W. Misika, FAO Representative in China, DPRK and Mongolia, Mr. Kevin Gallagher, Deputy FAO Representative and Dr. Yongfan Piao, Senior Plant Protection Officer (FAO Regional Office for Asia and Pacific) – the Lead Technical Officer for this project attended the ceremony. In inaugural addresses both ministers thanked FAO for providing the technical assistance in improvement of capacity of plant protection including the lab capacity.
Mr. Misika made a speech on behalf of FAO by highlighting the progress made by close collaboration between Mongolia and FAO and expressed continual support and assistance in improvement of including food security, zero hunger, sustainable development and other various areas of agriculture development. The establishment of the laboratory was assisted by the project by providing essential equipments and training key staff with relevant knowledge and operational skills on pesticide formulation analysis which addressing the pesticide quality control issue, which will enable the country to begin preparation and initiate institutional work on pesticide quality control program.
During the implementation, a number of specific trainings were conducted with participation of broad stakeholders including technical staff, inspection officers, production association, traders, farmers and other public sectors, which benefit participants to improve relevant knowledge regarding plant quarantine, IPM, pesticide management including risks associated with health and environment, operational and practical skills as well as to enhance public awareness. The project also produced a number of operational guidelines, handbook, pamphlets/leaflets and advocacy materials. A pesticide formulation laboratory was established with the assistance of the project in addition to hand in hand training on key staff on lab operational skills and context of pesticide quality control. At the same time the project introduced farmer-based participatory training approach to the country. Training of trainers (TOT) and Farmer Field School (FFS) were introduced and applied for potato IPM and vegetable IPM. This was the first time for the country to exercise with new concept of participatory training on farmers through FFS-learning process for IPM.
Effort of PPD-Nepal on pest management for citrus and others eco-friendly pest management practices
The NPPO of Nepal kindly shared a short video on effort made by Plant Protection Department of Nepal (PPD-Nepal) on pest management for citrus and others eco-friendly pest management practices.
Number of success stories are presented in this video explaining how farmers implementation of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programmes on their villages.
You will find a number of good example of positive impact of IPM programme.
Please enjoy:
Career-development opportunity: Masters of Advanced Studies in Integrated Crop Management in Switzerland in 2016
CABI’s Swiss Centre, in conjunction with the University of Neuchâtel and the Canton of Jura, will once again be offering the Masters of Advanced Studies in Integrated Crop Management (ICM) from March to November 2016. Applications to the programme are being accepted now through 1 September. The MAS ICM modules will cover topics ranging from integrated management of pests and soil to policy and economics, etc. The programme is based in Delémont, Switzerland, with activities taking place in many different regions and institutions throughout Switzerland. A more thorough description is provided in the announcement below, and detailed information describing the MAS ICM modules and the application process is available through the MAS ICM webpage:
Please note, scholarship opportunities are also available, under certain conditions, for students to live and learn with this programme in Switzerland.
Contact information is listed on the site.
Newly released! First edition of our tri-monthly newsletter -“The ePAN”. – ePhyto APPPC News from the working group
Newly released! The first edition The ePAN”. – ePhyto APPPC News from the working group on development of electronic phytosanitary certification (ePhyto). You can download file below.
Please note that the first edition is large as there is so much work we would like to tell you about and I encourage you to read it all.
Inclusion of a severely hazardous pesticide formulation containing Dimethoate 400g/l (Emulsifiable concentrate EC) in Annex III of the Rotterdam Convention. Submissions by 15 July 2015
The Secretariat of the Rotterdam Convention has received a proposal for the inclusion of a severely hazardous pesticide formulation containing Dimethoate 400g/l (Emulsifiable concentrate EC) in Annex III of the Convention.
As per Article 6 of the Convention, the Secretariat is calling for relevant information related to the formulation. Detailed information is contained in the attached letter.
Submissions are kindly requested by 15 July 2015.
For more information, please contact the Secretariat of the Rotterdam Conventionn.
Citrus document: “Management of Huanglongbing and its Vector, the Asian Citrus Psyllid, Diaphorina citri” is available on the NAPPO Website for country consultation from June 15 to August 28, 2015 is available on NAPPO website
Citrus document: “Management of Huanglongbing and its Vector, the Asian Citrus Psyllid, Diaphorina citri” is available on the NAPPO Website for country consultation from June 15 to August 28, 2015 is available on NAPPO website
Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives of Thailand is awarded by FAO with the EDOUARD SAOUMA AWARD 2014-2015
Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives of Thailand is awarded by FAO with the EDOUARD SAOUMA AWARD 2014-2015 for the successful and efficient implementation of the project -TCP/RAS/3311 “ Capacity Building for Spread Prevention and Management of Cassava Pink Mealybug in the Greater Mekong Subregion”, funded by the FAO Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP). The Edouard Saouma Award recognizes Thailand’s critical role –and, in particular, that of the MOAC’s Departments of Agriculture and Agricultural Extension and the Thai Tapioca Development Institute – for their efficient implementation of this TCP, and the success that is now well recognized in Thailand and other countries in the Greater Mekong Subregion.
In response to calls for support from its member countries, in 2011 FAO provided technical assistance through a regional TCP project entitled “Capacity Building for Spread Prevention and Management of Cassava Pink Mealybug in the Greater Mekong Subregion” to assist the GMS countries develop pest-spread prevention strategies and ecological biocontrol options to manage the cassava pink mealybug. The partner countries in the project include Cambodia, China, Lao, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. The main thrusts of the assistance aimed at introducing A. lopezi from Thailand to partner countries where the parasitoid is absent and to strengthen farmer training programmes to promote biocontrol and IPM of CM among the smallholder farmers.
Established in 1993, this biennial award pays tribute to former FAO Director-General (1976-1993), Edouard Saouma for his conception and implementation of the Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP). The Award consists of an inscribed medal, a scroll describing the winner’s achievements and a cash prize of US$ 25 000. Winners are announced during the FAO Conference, presently underway in Rome, and later presented with the award by the Director-General at a special ceremony.
APPPC workshop on development of IPM case studies on sustainable crop production intensification was convened from 19-22 May 2015 in Beijing, China
The APPPC workshop on development of IPM case studies or Sustainable Crop Production Intensification (SCPI) was convened from 19-22 May 2015 in collaboration with the National Agricultural Technology Extension and Service Center (NATESC), Ministry of Agriculture, China. The workshop was participated delegates from 13 countries. The workshop was implemented as part of the work plan of the APPPC Standing Committee on IPM endorsed by the 28th session of the APPPC. The case studies presented fully demonstrated that IPM trainings of FFS would lead to more sustainable and cost effective production, reduction of ecological disruption and environ contamination, reduction of public health and toxic residues in food, improvement of livelihood, food security and food safety. Various lessons learned from these case studies were also presented. Evolutions of IPM context in member countries provided sound basis for sustainable development of IPM and dynamic inputs and contributions to various approaches in line with local situations as well as with objectives and expected outputs of programs/projects. It was stressed that national coordination, review and collection of holistic case studies are important and should be continued especially for those countries that are implementing a number of projects by various sectors/agencies with support of donors. How to ensure sustainable development with institutionalization by taking ownerships while there are dynamic status of the development in countries would be a challenge to countries. Nevertheless it is important to keep the essential principles-empowering farmers, improvement of decision making capacity, community based participation approaches by involving various stakeholders, ecological service, etc. Meanwhile the IPM-FFS should be closely linked with food security, food safety, gender and SCPI approach with save and grow strategy. Each participating country was invited to prepare a potential follow up work plan based on the brief presentation made at the last session of the workshop
The APPPC working group meeting on the preparation of APPPC’s work plan for the next biennium was convened from 13-15 May 2015 in Bangkok, Thailand with participation of Chair and Vice-Chairs of the 28th Session of APPPC, Chair and Vice-Chairs of APPPC three Standing Committees and members of APPPC Standing Committee. The meeting reviewed the implementation of the work plan adopted at the 28th Session, discussed the work plan for the remaining period of current biennium and the draft work plan for 2016-2017 (to be submitted to the 29th Session, to be held 7-11 September 2015 for discussion and adoption). Associated estimated costings for the activities for remaining period of 2014-2015, a tentative budget of the work plan for 2016-2017 as well as possible level of assessed contribution of contracting countries during 2016-2017 relevant to the tentative work plan and the budget concerned, were discussed. The proposed recommendation to the 29th session will be to request a 5% increase of the total amount of the current budget in consideration of impact of inflation and cost increases for the next biennium followed by a 10% increase for the 2018-19 biennium.
IPPC Secretariat - ""NROs UPDATE (Vol. 2 (1) April 2015) - a newsletter concerning National Reporting Obligations
Please be informed that a new communication from the IPPC Secretariat - "NROs UPDATE' Vol. 2 (1), April 2015 - a newsletter concerning National Reporting Obligations was posted on the APPPC website.
It is emphasized that In March 2015 during the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures CPM-10 it was announced that the period leading up to CPM-11 would become the NRO "Year of the "Organization of the NPPO". This period would last from April 2015 until March 2016. The "Year" will focus on different aspects of the functioning of National Plant Protection Organization, mainly its descriptive aspects.
For more information, please visit and download the file below.
e-Phyto gets a go-ahead
Every year, millions of phytosanitary certificates are created, printed, and exchanged between countries as part of the global trade in plant products. These certificates reassure importers that the products have been inspected and found to be free of the kinds of pests that could devastate their local economy by harming agriculture or the environment.
This essential effort is costly in terms of time and resources. That complex, costly and bureaucratic process could now become a thing of the past. Yesterday (17 March 2015) the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM), the governing body of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), agreed to develop a global system of electronic phytosanitary certificates, known as e-Phyto.
e-Phyto is designed to eventually replace paper certificates entirely. At its heart will be a central hub, which will receive certificates from National Plant Protection Organisations (NPPOs) in exporting countries and makes them available to the NPPOs of importing countries. The hub will not store the certificates but provides a simple and secure method for exchange, eliminating the need for countries to negotiate exchange protocols bilaterally with each and every trading partner.
“Security and confidentiality are crucial concerns that have been thoroughly addressed in the system design,” Peter Thomson, immediate past IPPC Bureau member and Bureau lead for the ePhyto development, told delegates to CPM at a briefing session prior to the formal decision. “Secure electronic exchange of certificates between NPPOs will eliminate problems some countries currently experience with the use of fraudulent certificates by importers or exporters.”
The hub model is expected to be a lot less costly than existing paper-based methods and will significantly strengthen global harmonization and adherence to the IPPC standards for phytosanitary certification.“There’ll be one set of rules,” Thomson said “and one way to interpret them.”This will be just one benefit of e-Phyto, which is expected to simplify and reduce the cost of global trade, increase the ability of countries to identify items that pose a high risk and reduce the potential for fraud and hence collateral damage.
The e-Phyto system will be entirely voluntary, and open to any country that wishes to make use of it. Both trading partners will need to agree to use the hub. A variety of different business models are being explored, with at least some of the maintenance costs eventually being borne by those who use the system. That in itself will provide an incentive to join e-Phyto, because costs will be lower than existing systems and will drop as the costs of e-Phyto are spread over more certificates.
Yesterday's decision by CPM supports a request to the Standards and Trade Development Facility of the World Trade Organization to provide funds for the initial establishment of e-Phyto. An important component of the proposed project is the establishment of a generic national system for the creation and receipt of phytosanitary certificates. Developing countries that do not currently have the capacity to engage in e-Phyto will nevertheless be able to use this generic system.
Many contracting parties to the IPPC expressed strong enthusiasm for this new tool for developing countries. If the STDF project is approved, work could begin as soon as May 2015, with the possibility of a pilot starting before the end of 2015.
CPM-10 off to a great start
CPM-10 started on Monday afternoon with a welcome from FAO Deputy Director General
Natural Resources, Maria Helena Semedo, who praised delegates and reminded them that "in this more and more globalized world, we need to increase our efforts to protect food security and the environment, and ensure safe trade from pests of plants".
She was followed by the Chair of CPM, Kyu-Ock Yim, wearing the national dress of Korea which, she said, was a mark of great respect and celebration for good news. She reminded delegates of the responsibilities ahead of them and offered to wear national dress again at the meeting's close on Friday if there is good news to share.
Many recipients of this newsletter are, of course, present at CPM in Rome. Those who are not can follow the proceedings via Twitter and Facebook.
FAO news release: Digital certificates to boost controls over spread of plant pests and diseases
Digital certificates to boost controls over spread of plant pests and diseases
e-Phyto set to enhance secure information-sharing between countries and cut costs
19 March 2015, Rome -The creation of a new global electronic certification system that will help curb the spread of plant pests and diseases through international trade in a more secure and cost-effective way has been approved by representatives from 181 countries.
The Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM), the governing body of the International Plant Protection Convention agreed to develop a global system of electronic phytosanitary certificates, known as e-Phyto, FAO said today.
The decision means that the complex, bureaucratic process whereby millions of paper phytosanitary certificates are created, printed, and exchanged between countries each year, will eventually be replaced by an online electronic system.
The current paper certificates serve to reassure importers that plant products including food have been inspected and found to be free of the kinds of pests that could devastate their local economy by harming agriculture or the environment. It is an essential effort, but costly in terms of time and resources.
A central hub
e-Phyto is designed to eventually replace paper certificates entirely. Envisaged at its heart is a central hub, which will receive on a voluntary basis certificates from National Plant Protection Organisations (NPPOs) in exporting countries and makes them available to the NPPOs of importing countries.
The hub provides a simple and secure method for exchange, eliminating the need for countries to negotiate exchange protocols bilaterally with each and every trading partner.
"Security and confidentiality are crucial concerns that have been thoroughly addressed in the system design," Peter Thomson, the IPPC's Bureau lead for the e-Phyto development, told CPM participants meeting in Rome this week.
"Secure electronic exchange of certificates between NPPOs will eliminate problems some countries currently experience with the use of fraudulent certificates by importers or exporters," Thomson added.
The hub model is expected to be a lot less costly than existing paper-based methods and will significantly strengthen global harmonization and adherence to the IPPC standards for phytosanitary certification.
"There'll be one set of rules," Thomson said, "and one way to interpret them."
e-Phyto is expected to simplify and reduce the cost of global trade, increase the ability of countries to identify items that pose a high risk and reduce the potential for fraud and hence collateral damage.
A staggering $1.1 trillion worth of agricultural products are traded internationally each year, with food accounting for more than 80 per cent of the total.
Support for developing countries
The CPM has also endorsed a request to the Standards and Trade Development Facility of the World Trade Organization to provide funds for the initial establishment of e-Phyto. The aim is to support developing countries that do not currently have the capacity to engage in e-Phyto.
The IPPC is planning a pilot project to build capacity in developing countries to enable them to join e-Phyto on a gradual basis.
Several countries are already using some form of electronic certification, including Australia, Canada, Kenya, the Republic of Korea, the Netherlands, New Zealand and the United States.
To read this news online lease visit
IPPC Secretariat - ""NROs UPDATE (Vol. 1 (6) March 2015) - a newsletter concerning National Reporting Obligations
Please be informed that a new communication from the IPPC Secretariat - "NROs UPDATE' Vol. 1 (6), March 2015 - a newsletter concerning National Reporting Obligations was posted on the APPPC website.
The emphasize made on New version of the IPP website and the Guide !
In February 2015 a new version of the IPP website was launched. The main aim was to make the data entry easier while improving a general layout and simplifying the presentation of information.
To help users with the new format the IPPC Secretariat has prepared a new User and Editor Guide to the IPP. At the moment the Guide consists of the Module IV A (Accessing your account & Data entry and Data Management) intended for the IPPC Contact Points and IPP editors and Module IV B (Accessing your account & Data) intended for other IPP users. The updated versions of the other modules (like general advice on information exchange and more detailed advice on the content of obligatory reports) of the 2013 Guide will follow soon. At the moment, you can find the English version of the IPP Guide from the IPPC website as well as download it below together with NROs UPDATE.
APPPC Regional Training Workshop on Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management
The APPPC regional training workshop was convened in Kathmandu, Nepal from 26-30 January 2015 and was attended by 28 participants from 12 Asian countries. The purpose of this workshop was to strengthen pesticide management capacities and to assist countries to address their obligations under the Code of Conduct and also the Rotterdam Convention. These workshop objectives were in line with FAO’s Strategic Objective 2 insofar they support pesticide rick reduction, sustainable intensification and the implementation of international standards and guidelines. The workshop built capacity to implement these objectives. The workshop provided training on all chapters of the Code and the associated technical guidelines. Fruitful exchanges among the delegates clarified issues and pointed to areas that need special attention. Participants became familiar with the new definitions, a comprehensive approach to pesticide management, the concept of life-cycle management, the new GHS labeling system, and the reporting obligations under the Code. Exchanges among the countries developed a clearer picture of the regional status of several important pesticide management issues such as registration decision making, information sharing, availability of local data for risk assessment, disposal of used pesticide containers, etc. The participants were provided with training materials and tools so that they could act as master trainers on the amended Code on Conduct in their respective countries.
For more information please download the file below.
IPPC Photo Contest: Pests without Borders!
The IPPC Secretariat has launched a photo contest through its Phytosanitary Resource page. Pictures must relate to three thematic areas: pests, the impact of pests affecting food security and the environment, and management of pests.
The top three pictures will be awarded prizes consisting of assignments with IPPC for a photographic mission close to the residence of the awardees. Eligibility, selection process, and terms and conditions governing the contest are available here.
By contributing photos that could appear on IPPC and its contracting parties communication and training material, you will participate in the IPPC’s dual mission of protecting farmers worldwide from economically devastating pest outbreaks and the environment from loss of species diversity and ecosystem functions. Your pictures could show the world what a pest looks like, how it affects food security, the environment and trade, and what actions are needed to prevent them.
To participate to the IPPC photo contest please click here. The deadline to submit your photos is 28 February, while winners of the contest will be announced at theCommission on Phytosanitary Measures meeting (16-20 March 2015).
The APPPC regional Workshop on Biosecurity Implementation of South American Leaf Blight of Rubber in the Asia-Pacific Region was convened in Bangkok
The APPPC regional Workshop on Biosecurity Implementation of South American Leaf Blight of Rubber in the Asia-Pacific Region was convened last week from 12-16 January 2015, Bangkok, Thailand in collaboration with Department of Agriculture of Thailand. The objectives of the workshop were to train and establish core group in implementing the SALB PRA and Standard in rubber growing countries of the APPPC region; harmonize and standardize the collection of SALB surveillance data based on ISPM 6, maintaining Pest Free Area as in ISPM 4 and sharing with APPPC rubber growing countries through electronic devises (p-tracker) in fulfilling the pest reporting obligation in line with ISPM 17. In addition it was aimed to gather feedback on the use of SALB reference materials for in country training and status on translation to local language and provide the opportunities for participating officers to share knowledge and gain expertise from experts in this field.
Thirty participants from 10 rubber growing countries in the region. Australia expert introduced and demonstrated a hand-carrying device with P-Tracker software for the SALB surveillance data collection and management. The Australian also shared their expertise in Surveillance Information Management System (SIMS) with participants. During the workshop, the components of the Surveillance Information Management Systems were also introduced. Extensive practical exercise on surveillance data management was also organized in SALB plantation in Songkhla Agricultural Research and Development Centre Rubber Research Institute.
Potential follow up action plan was discussed and several proposals have been suggested for countries to consider necessary actions. Proposals required regional collaborations will be brought by the lead country of the APPPC working group on SALB to the next session of APPPC for possible inclusion in the next biennium work plan of APPPC with allocation of certain seed fund.
Twenty Third Session of the Technical Consultation among Regional Plant Protection Organizations
The Twenty Third Session of the Technical Consultation among Regional Plant Protection Organizations will be held in Hanoi, Viet Nam from 28 August to 2 September 2011. The Session is open to Regional Plant Protection Organizations (RPPOs) which have been established under Articles III and IX of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) and to other organizations of regional importance.
Philippines Bureau of Plant Industry conducts training workshop on the use of the IPP Portal, Quezon City, Philippines, 14-15 March 2013
Philippines’ NPPO, the Plant Quarantine Service (PQS) of the Bureau of Plant Industry, organized a training workshop on the use of the International Plant Protection Portal (IPP) in Quezon City, Philippines, from 14-15 March 2013. The Philippines' Plant Protection Profile was also discussed and reviewed at this workshop in order to update the information in light of the upcoming APPPC meeting in August 2013. The workshop was attended by 51 participants. The exemplary initiative help increase the information exchange capacity of the NPPO. For more information about the workshop, please visit[showUid]=2181595&frompage=182&type=news&subtype=&L=0#item
Quarterly reports on plant protection information exchange through the APPPC website and the IPP for 1st quarter of 2013 and the second half of 2012
The quarterly reports for the first quarter of 2013 and the second half of 2012 are now available for downloading. The reports cover the information uploaded by the APPPC members and Japan into the APPPC website and the IPP Portal during the period. The reports also include the information uploaded by the APPPC Secretariat and the planned activities for 2013.
The work plans of the Standing Committee of Pesticide for 2012-2013 were discussed and adopted at the 27th session of the APPPC
The work plans of the Standing Committee of Pesticide for 2012-2013 were discussed and adopted at the 27th session of the APPPC. The programme covers promotion of the implementation of the FAO Code of Conduct, promotion of the ratification and implementation of the Rotterdam Convention, information exchange and database, as well as the regional workshop on pesticide management. please use the link to download the document:>
Summary Report of the Regional Workshop on International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and use of Pesticides: Implementation, Monitoring and Observance is posted on the APPPC website
The Regional Workshop on International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides: Implementation, Monitoring and Observance, held at the Amari Watergate Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, from 26 to 28 July 2005. The meeting was organized by FAO Regional Office for Asia and Pacific. please use the link to download the report:>
Progress report on pesticide management in the Asia and Pacific region is available on APPPC website
The progress report on pesticide management in the Asia and Pacific region was presented by the Chairperson of the APPPC Standing Committee on Pesticides at the 27th session of APPPC. please use the link to download the document:>
Report of APPPC Standing Committee on Pesticide Management posted on the APPPC website
The progress made against the recommendations proposed in work plan of 2003-2005 of the 23rd session of the APPPC was reviewed. please use the link to download the document:>
The 5th FAO/WHO Joint Meeting on Pesticide Management (JMPM) and the 7th Session of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Management is posted on the APPPC website
The 5th FAO/WHO Joint Meeting on Pesticide Management (JMPM) and the 7th Session of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Management is posted on the APPPC website. Please visit:>
Guidance for harmonizing pesticide regulatory management in Southeast Asia
FAO provided technical assistance to Southeast Asia countries for enhancement of harmonization of pesticide regulatory management through technical cooperation project titled “Assisting countries in Southeast Asia towards achieving pesticide regulatory harmonization” from 2009 to 2011.
As part of its inputs, the project produced a set of guidelines to support the countries in their efforts to harmonize their registration systems.
These guidelines are recommended for implementation by the member countries. In this publication, the guidelines have been summarized and compiled so that they may serve as a reference manual to the countries in their efforts to strengthen and harmonize their pesticide management.
It is hoped that this guidance will not only facilitate the regional harmonization of pesticide regulatory processes, but that it will also foster greater cooperation and information exchanges among the countries as well as contribution to food safety approaches. For more information visit:>
Workshop for Enhancement of Regional Collaboration in Pesticide Regulatory Management, 26-30 November 2012, Chiang Mai, Thailand
The risk reduction of pesticides and reduction of highly toxic pesticides for promotion of food safety and sustainable development of crop production through implementation of the code of conduct on distribution and use of pesticides and relevant international treaties is one of FAO's main working areas. The improvement of regulatory pesticide management is a key context of the code of conduct.
The workshop on enhancement of regional collaboration in regulatory management of pesticides was held from 26-30 November 2012 in Chiang Mai, Thailand with participation of delegates from 16 countries. It was noted that all countries made progress in their efforts for regional harmonization. The regional cooperation network provided an opportunity to share expertise and resources among countries to learn and help each other in the process of the amendments of regulations and legislations concerned.
The continual active collaboration among former TCP project countries (ASEAN) would be also an added value to the regional harmonization approaches.
The workshop not only reviewed the progress made in the regulatory harmonization in member countries but also shared the outcomes of each country’s self assessment exercises and compile the results in a system that allows assessing the level of regulatory harmonization in 5 areas by 7 former TCP countries. The meeting consolidated the data requirements for different types of registration and produced an easy to use summary table of the requirements.
A priority list of registration data requirements was developed by the participants, which can be used by the individual countries as a checklist for their own requirements and to measure their progress toward harmonization; Post-registration activities need strengthening in most countries; however, this is largely determined by the available resources.
A priority list was developed to help countries with fewer resources to set-up activities that are within their means. The targets and indicators for regulatory harmonization and set short/mid/long term goals were update and prioritize. Each country prepared work plan for follow up action to achieve greater regulatory harmonization. For the report of the workshop, please visit the following weblink: ....
APPPC regional workshop on practical aspects of pesticide risk assessment and phasing out of highly hazardous pesticides (HHPs), 19-22 May 2014, Nanjing, China
The phasing out of highly hazardous pesticides (HHPs) is one of FAO’s important areas of work. The HHP criteria agreed by JMPM (FAO/WHO Joint Meeting on Pesticide Management) provide guidance on what might be an HHP. The new code of conduct includes definition and recommendations on what countries can do to mitigate risks arising from HHPs.
A number of countries in this region have taken various approaches and initiatives to phase out HHPs. China is one of the countries which have achieved significant progress on phasing out of HHPs, pesticide registrations, quality control as well as on import and export management.
Over the past years, the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (FAO RAP) has organized a number of regional workshops aimed at enhancing harmonization among countries’ regulatory framework for the control of pesticides. The APPPC Regional workshop on practical aspects of pesticide risk assessment and phasing out of HHPs was proposed in the same context and specifically focused on a number of practical aspects of pesticide management that the earlier workshops identified as areas for further attention.
In collaboration with the FAO regional project on pesticide risk reduction, and also with the Government of People’s Republic of China, the regional workshop on practical aspects of pesticide risk assessment and phasing out of highly hazardous pesticides was organized in Nanjing, China from 19-22 May 2014. It was attended by delegates from 15 countries from Asia.
The objectives of the workshop were as follows:
- review to what extent use can be made of registration data from countries with advanced risk assessment procedures;
- exchange experiences related to the phasing out of highly hazardous pesticides, with emphasis on practical aspects of such phasing out;
- explore scope for collaboration in the review of new chemicals and current highly hazardous products;
- discuss mechanisms for collaboration among countries in addressing the problem of fake and substandard products;
- provide updates on new developments, such as the revision of the International Code of Conduct and the reforms of China’s labeling and Japan’s registration system.
To facilitate information exchange in Asia, an electronic working group on pesticide risk assessment was formed. It established a platform for information exchange as well as address related issues.
The participanting countries were encouraged to take appropriate actions since experience has shown that the phasing out of HHPs would not only reduce the risks to human health and the environment, but would also make the pesticide industry and agricultural production more competitive and sustainable.
For the report of the regional workshop, please visit the following weblink:
International Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management
Since its adoption by the FAO Conference in 1985, the International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides has been amended twice, in 1989 and in 2002. The Code provides a voluntary framework for the life cycle management of pesticides and remains widely accepted by countries, intergovernmental organizations, the private sector and civil society. A consequence of its wide acceptance and its value as a tool is that more international organizations wish to adopt it. Therefore it is important to keep the Code up to date and aligned with developments in the field of chemicals and pesticide management. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) which have long collaborated in its development and implementation have expressed an interest in having the Code officially adopted by their Governing bodies. In order to do so a number of amendments were required to strengthen the way the Code addresses the health and environment sectors. In the process of reviewing the Code, the FAO and WHO expert panels on pesticide management identified several articles that could benefit from clarification and/or simplification, update or strengthening. The new International Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management was presented to the FAO Conference in June 2013, replacing the previous version (International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides). Please use the link to download the document:>
APPPC-NAPPO Joint Workshop on Implementation of ISPM 15, Beijing, China, 10-14 June 2014
A large number of commodities have been traded between North America and the Asia-Pacific Region. The trade imposes big challenges to the National Plant Protection Organizations (NPPOs) of member countries of the Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission (APPPC) as well as the North American Plant Protection Organization (NAPPO). These countries are required to comply not only with the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) but also the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs).
One of the key challenges is concerned with wood packaging. To help their member countries address the challenge, APPPC and NAPPO co-organized a workshop on the implementation of ISPM 15 - Regulation on Wood Packaging in International Trade, in Beijing, China, from 10-14 June 2014.
Hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture and the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) of the People's Republic of China, the workshop was attended by 14 representatives of the Regional Plant Protection Organizations (RPPOs) and its member NPPOs.
The workshop gave a clear picture of the status of ISPM 15 implementation in 15 countries in the Asia-Pacific region and North America. All of these countries had already implemented ISPM 15 for export but a few countries had not yet implemented for import.
Implementation of ISPM 15 has significantly reduced the likelihood of the introduction of forestry pests. The majority of non-compliances are associated with wood packaging materials (WPM) without the mark, and infestation is probably higher where WPM is not marked.
Workshop to Develop Training Programme and Reference Materials for Protection against South American Leaf Blight (SALB)
The Workshop to Develop Training Programme and Reference Materials for Protection against South American Leaf Blight (SALB) will be held in Melaka, Malaysia from 21-25 November 2011. The overall objective of the workshop is to develop draft frame programme for the publication of reference materials. Please open the file below for more information about specific objectives and the expected outcome.
Regional Expertise Training Workshop on Pest Surveillance, Bangkok, Thailand, 22-24 April 2014
Following the inception workshop of the GCP/RAS/286/ROK project in November last year, the first regional expertise training workshop on pest surveillance was held in Bangkok, Thailand, from 22-24 April 2014. Over 40 trainees from the project's six participating countries including Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, and Viet Nam attended the workshop. The lecturers were from Republic of Korea (including CPM Chair of IPPC).
The workshop represents the beginning of the project's expertise training programme with focus on the introduction of basic information and theories on pest surveillance as well as the various activities being undertaken by the participating countries.
The workshop is aimed at strengthening the basic capacity of the participating countries for the implementation of technically sound 'pest surveillance'.
The outputs of the workshops are as follows:
(a) The knowledge and skills about pest surveillance for NPPO staff from participating countries through a series of lectures on essential and general knowledge on pest surveillance is improved.
(b) Country level constraints, issues, potential possible actions for improvement as well as requirements for assistance have been discussed.
(c) The knowledge and skills of the trainees through analysis of the feedback from participants’ questionnaires have been reviewed and assessed.
(d) Relevant information among the participating countries on current status of the surveillance in each country has been exchanged.
Inception workshop on the project (GCP/RAS/286/ROK) entitled ‘Support to capacity development in implementation of pest surveillance and information management in South-East Asian countries, Bangkok, Thailand, 29 Nov 2013
Inception workshop on the project (GCP/RAS/286/ROK) entitled ‘Support to capacity development in implementation of pest surveillance and information management in South-East Asian countries, Bangkok, Thailand, 29 Nov 2013
Capacity building for pest surveillance is continuing!!!
The APPPC is carrying out many activities in terms of improving capacity in pest surveillance in the Asia and the Pacific region and one of them is implementation of the project “Support to Capacity Development in Implementation of Plant Pest Surveillance and Information Management in Southeast Asian Countries” GCP /RAS/286/ROK.
Based on the training schedule of the work plan of the project, which was prepared by focusing on participating countries’ specific demanding and identification, the “Third Regional Expertise Training Workshop on Pest Surveillance” was held from 11 to 14 November 2014 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
The training workshop was focused on technical and practical survey and identification on “fungi” as a subsequent subject to “fruit-fly” and “stored product insect pest” addressed in the 2nd expertise training workshop previously. Twenty five trainees from six participating countries took part in the workshop. The specific knowledge and skills of participants on “fungi” pest surveillance and identification were improved through related lectures, field trip and lab practices as well as their operational skills in handling the laboratory equipment. The participants have leant about importance of fungal diseases, characters and taxonomy of fungi and major symptoms of fungal diseases. Specifically participant studied importance and identification of Fusarium, Colletotrichum, Bipolaris, Alternaria and Curvularia species. During the practice session information on fungal herbarium techniques were provided to the participants as well as an isolation and incubation techniques of fungi were explained. During the field trip the participants made a collection of diseased plant material.
Last day of the workshop provide to participant an opportunity to share the information on what are main fungus diseases with country concern (either existing diseases for exporting commodities or potential risk of introduction) as well as a list of current or potential domestic technical supporting resource agencies for the surveillance and identification concerned. In addition all participant were invited for workshop assessment and assessment of expertise gained during the workshop. The report from the workshop will be posted on the APPPC website shortly.
APPPC regional workshop on surveillance information management, 2-7 June 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The APPPC regional workshop on surveillance information management was convened last week from 2-6 June in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in collaboration with Australian Department of Agriculture and Malaysian Department of Agriculture.
The objective is to promote the capacity of the National Plant Protection Organizations (NPPOs) in implementation of ISPM6 through strengthening regional surveillance capabilities by providing training and support to ensure plant pest data integrity, consistency and currency across APPPC member countries.
Thirty two participants from 22 countries in the region participated in the workshop. Australian plest surveillance experts shared their expertise by facilitation of the introduction and demonstration with a hand-carrying device for surveillance data collection and management. During the workshop, the Surveillance Information Management Systems were also introduced. Extensive practical exercise on surveillance data management was also organized.
APPPC takes a leading role in the development of capacity of member countries in pest surveillance in recent years by treating the pest surveillance as one of the focus areas of APPPC work plan. Pest surveillance is important to the plant quarantine sector as it is the essential basis for preparation of regulatory pest list of the country and for the pest risk analysis (PRA) by NPPO.
Regional workshop on spread prevention and control of apple snail (Pomacea spp.) in rice, 3-7 December 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Biosecurity is a key requirement for achieving the goals set out in the FAO Strategic Framework by promoting, developing and re-enforcing policy and regulatory frameworks for food, agriculture, fisheries, and forestry for managing risks associated with food and agriculture including relevant environment. The apple snail (Pomacea spp.) has become a serious pest of rice in the Asia and Pacific Region in the past few years. There is need for providing extensive technical assistance in improvement of capacity in effective management of this pest. Prevention and reduction of risks of transboundary threats to food production, health and the environment is one of focus areas of FAO to shares its experience, expertise and knowledge to achieve results and impact on the ground. The Regional Workshop on Spread Prevention and Control of Apple Snail (Pomacea Spp.) in Rice , was therefore held during 3-7 December 2012 in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. Participants and observers from seven (7) countries attended the workshop. They were able to share their experiences and to gain expertise in this field from the experts. The workshop programme discussed the biology and ecology of the pest Pomacea spp. and its control strategies. The workshop presented the various methods to control Pomacea spp. i.e. physical control, cultural control, biological molluscicides, habitat modification, and chemical control. The regional action plan of GAS has also been discussed as a guideline in the implementation and enforcement to prevent spread and control of GAS. The workshop has developed action plan (Research, Capacity Building, Awareness Progamme/Communication/Information exchange) and management strategies to mitigate infestation, and drafted national awareness program and control measures and collating all reference materials of Pomacea spp. in participating cuntries. Activities suggested in the Awareness Programme should be given priority and implemented immediately in each country. Participants are expected to become the core trainers and experts on apple snails in their own countries, in addition, they are to convey information to the higher management level to give more emphasis in apple snail activities, to prepare draft training materials and action plan for the control of apple snails in the region, and to review and update on the reference materials.
APPPC and Thailand host Regional Training Workshop on Biological Control, 25 February-2 March 2013, Bangkok, Thailand
Asia Pacific Plant Protection Commission (APPPC) in collaboration with the Government of Thailand organized a Regional Training Workshop on Biological Control from 25 February-2 March 2013 in Bangkok, Thailand. The workshop was organized in line with the work plan of APPPC Standing Committee on IPM for enhancement of regional collaboration on biological control matters. It not only provided the participants with updated information and Thailand’s practical experience in BC, but also provided an opportunity to review concepts and principles of BC, share experiences in each participating country as well as to discuss opportunities and challenges for production and sustainable application of BCA in the context of IPM strategies. Meanwhile participants discussed best options for better access and application of BC by IPM farmers, which includes the techniques on mass rearing in the laboratory and releases under field conditions with follow-up field monitoring and evaluation of their effectiveness as well as development of the training capacity among IPM facilitators in identifying specific BCA (parasitoids, predators and microbial) for management of specific. It is expected that the regional network of information exchange and collaboration for promotion of biological control be established by inclusion of all participants who may start to provide update development, issues and challenges to the APPPC website.
APPPC Regional training workshop on Bactrocera fruit fly surveillance, taxonomy and identification and area-wide management, Bangkok, Thailand, 9-11 May 2014
The work plan adopted at the 28th Session of APPPC held in Republic of Korea in September 2013 includes a regional training workshop to be organized by the IPM Standing Committee on Bactrocera fruit fly surveillance, taxonomy and identification and areawide management. Tephritid fruit flies are becoming increasingly important, mainly due to the economic importance of many species and their threats to fruit and vegetable production and trade worldwide. The main objective of the training is to provide participants with updated information and knowledge of fruit fly biology, taxonomy, surveillance and control. The workshop also aims to share experience in area-wide fruit fly management among participating countries. It is expected to contribute to the enhancement of capacity of participating countries in integrated fruit fly management. Nineteen participants from 17 countries are expected to attend this workshop with 6 experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) and Thailand’s Department of Agricultural Extension (DOAE) respectively who will provide lectures and facilitate some practical exercises. The training workshop is held in tandem with the 9th International Symposium on Fruit Flies in May 2014 in collaboration with the Thai Government thru DOAE of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives.
2008 APPPC Standard Committee Workshop on the Review of Draft Regional Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (RSPM)
2008 APPPC Standard Committee meeting will be held 14 - 20 July 2008, Bangkok, Thailand
2006 APPPC Standard Committee meeting
2006 APPPC Standard Committee meeting will be held 21 - 24 November 2006, Bangkok, Thailand
2005 APPPC Standards Committee meeting
2005 APPPC Standards Committee meeting will be held 14 - 16 February 2005, Bangkok, Thailand
2004 APPPC Standard Committee meeting (Working Group Meeting on Draft Regional Standards for Phytosanitary Measures)
2004 APPPC Standard Committee meeting (Working Group Meeting on Draft Regional Standards for Phytosanitary Measures) will be held from 27 - 30 September 2004, Bangkok, Thailand
2012 APPPC Standard Committee Workshop on the Review of Draft Regional Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (RSPM)
Participants from Australia, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Republic of Korea and Thailand attended the APPPC Standard Committee meeting from 30 July to 3 August 2012 in Bangkok, Thailand for reviewing three drafts of regional standards for phytosanitary measures, including guidelines for the audit and accreditation of irradiation facilities, guidelines for the use of fumigation as a phytosanitary measure, and minimizing pest movement by machinery moved in international trade. Appreciation was extended to experts from Australia and New Zealand for their contributions to the workshop. Mr Yves Henon of International Irradiation Association and Dr Kwang Youll Lee from Republic of Korea were also thanked for their valuable inputs on the irradiation subject matter. For the report of the workshop, please visit the following web link:
Call for Country Comments on Draft APPPC Regional Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
Three drafts of APPPC regional standards for phytosanitary measures have been prepared and approved by the APPPC Standard Committee after review and revisions, which was conducted from 14 to 20 July 2008 in Bangkok, Thailand, for further consultations by the member countries. The consolidated drafts based on countries" comments will be submitted to the 26th Session of APPPC for discussion and possible adoption.
Draft RSPMs:
- Guidelines for the Exterior Cleanliness of Containers
- Guidelines for Protection against South American Leaf Blight of Rubber
- Guidance on Land Border Plant Quarantine
Attached please find electrical files of the drafts for country comments. Kindly reply directly to Piao Yongfan with country comments, if has, as soon as possible either by e-mail ([email protected]) or by fax (66-2-6974445). The hard copies of the documents have also been sent out.
Visit to a depo in Bangkok for development of a draft ISPM
APPPC facilitated a field visit by Dr. John Hedley, lead steward for the preparation of an International Standard on Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs)- “Minimising pest movement by sea containers” for the Standards Committee of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) to a sea container depot in Bangkok, Thailand with assistance of Thailand NPPO and the Department of Agriculture (DOA), Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperative, Thailand on 14 Nov. 2013. The visit was to gather information of the sea container cleaning procedures used in a Thai sea container depot. With the assistance of the DOA, discussions were held with the manager of the depot on the general operation of the depot. The stringent cleaning procedures used in the cleaning of the interior of sea containers to be used for the transportation of consignments of food were observed. The visit provided valuable background information on the cleaning of sea containers.
5th APPPC Regional workshop on review of Draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs)
The 5th APPPC regional workshop on review of Draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) will be held from 23 - 27 August 2004, Bangkok, Thailand
6th APPPC Regional workshop on review of Draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs)
6th APPPC Regional workshop on review of Draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs)
7th APPPC Regional workshop on review of Draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs)
The 7th APPPC regional workshop on review of Draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) will be held from 31 July to 4 August 2006, Seoul, Republic of Korea
8th APPPC Regional workshop on review of Draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs)
The 8th APPPC regional workshop on review of Draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) will be held from 23-27 July 2007, Gwacheon City, Republic of Korea
9th APPPC Regional workshop on review of Draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs)
The 9th APPPC regional workshop on review of Draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) will be held from 28 July - 1 August 2008, Anyang, Republic of Korea
10th APPPC regional workshop on review of Draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs)
The 10th APPPC Regional (Asia) Workshop on review of Draft ISPMs will be held from 14-18 Sept. 2009 in Busan, Republic of Korea. About 20 participants from 15-17 countries will participate in the workshop.
11th APPPC regional workshop on review of Draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs)
The 11th APPPC regional workshop on review of Draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) will be held from 6-10 September 2010, Pyongchang, Republic of Korea
12th APPPC regional workshop on review of Draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs)
The 12th APPPC regional workshop on review of Draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) will be held from 19–23 September 2011, Busan, Republic of Korea
13th APPPC Regional workshop on review of Draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs)
The 13th APPPC regional workshop on review of Draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) will be held from 3-7 September 2012, Gyunju, Republic of Korea
14th APPPC Regional workshop on review of Draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs)
APPPC organized a regional consultation on review of draft ISPMs from 28 Oct.-1 Nov. 2013 in Korea with financial support from the country as usual for sharing country views on the draft and develop regional comments. Korea have provided financial support for the consultation since 2006. Draft standards have been sent for member consultation by the IPPC Secretariat to contracting parties, national plant protection organizations (NPPOs), regional plant protection organizations (RPPOs) and international organizations after clearance made by the Standards Committee (SC) of IPPC. The consultation not only provided an opportunity of the consultation among member countries but also provided a practical training to participants for improvements of capacity in active participation in facilitation of country review and preparation of country comments on the draft ISPMs by better understanding main contexts of the draft and how to express the view with substantial and concise language as well as the skill of using on-line-comment system. The outputs of the regional consultation will help countries to consolidate country comments on the draft before the end of November 2013. Regional comments and country comments will contribute to the development of new ISPMs. Draft ISPMs consulted and commented: Management of phytosanitary risks in the international movement of wood (2006-029), Priority 1 Preliminary draft: Minimizing pest movement by sea containers (2008-001), Priority 1 Movement of growing media in association with plants for planting in international trade (2005-004), Priority 1 Phytosanitary procedures for fruit fly (Tephritidae) management (2005-010), Priority 2 Amendments to ISPM 5 (Glossary of phytosanitary terms) (1994-001) During the regional consultation the workshop also discussed on other subjects relating to IPPC, these were: National reporting obligations, Update on the new standard setting process, Information on expert consultation on cold treatments,IRSS Helpdesk and provision of answers to IRSS questionnaires, Invasive Alien Species (IAS) and the IPPC, Update on electronic certification (ePhyto), Phytosanitary technical resources, Participation in the standard setting process, and Single windows.
15th APPPC Regional workshop on review of Draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs)
The 15th APPPC regional workshop on draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) was held in Busan, Republic of Korea, from 15-19 September 2014. Officials from 18 member countries of the Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission (APPPC) participated in this meeting.
The workshop participants discussed draft country comments shared among the participants before the meeting. Participants provided substantial, editorial and general comments on the draft standard on International movement of used vehicles, machinery and equipment (2006-004) and the draft standard on International movement of seeds (2009-003).
In addition, various comments were made by participants on Amendments to ISPM 5: Glossary of Phytosanitary Terms (1994-001).
As well, the workshop participants discussed a wide range of draft phytosanitary treatments. Participants supported the work of the TPPT in producing treatments for the approval of CPM and noted that there was an opportunity to suggest more treatments from a range of methods by countries.
The workshop participants briefly considered the draft ISPMs under the substantial concerns commenting period. Various comments were made on the draft standard on Phytosanitary procedures for Fruit Fly (Tephritidae) management (2005-010) and International movement of wood (2006-029). The 2014 substantial concerns commenting period will close on 30 September 2014.
In the conclusion the participants agreed to prepare the country comments on draft ISPMs to be submitted to the IPPC Secretariat through OCS. All participants, FAO and IPPC representatives expressed their appreciation to the Korean government for supporting this activity which was already the 9th workshop hosted by the Republic of Korea.
It was announced that the 16th APPPC regional workshop on draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) would be tentatively held in the Republic of Korea (Western Province) in October 2015.
For the report of the workshop, please visit Plant Quarantine page
Workshop recently held for Global Review of Phytosanitary Surveillance (ISPM 6)
APPPC organized the Regional Asia-Pacific Workshop for the Global Review of Phytosanitary Surveillance in the Context of the IPPC Standard (ISPM 6) from 31 Jan. to 3 Feb. 2012 in Chiang Rai, Thailand. Seventeen countries in the region participated in the workshop and presented examples of their best surveillance practice. The advantages and disadvantages of the standard on surveillance (ISPM 6) as well as requirements of technical resources for the implementation of the standard were identified. A number of recommendations for the improvements of ISPM 6, as well as ISPM 4 (pest free areas) and ISPM 8 (pest status) were made. The analytical summary of the results on the questionnaire on survey submitted by the participating countries indicated that countries used surveillance in association with trade requirement, that there was a great variation in the use of surveillance and the capabilities of countries in practicing surveillance, and that the greatest problem was the lack of skilled staff. As well, the participants considered future work in the area of surveillance and discussed possible agenda for the surveillance symposium to be organized. The meeting also considered the type of training that could more strongly support the implementation of ISPM 6.
Workshop held in December 2011 to discuss the international movement of grain
The Open-ended Workshop on the International Movement of Grain was held in Vancouver, Canada, from 6-8 December 2011. The main objective of the meeting was to consider the development international standards for the movement of grain. The meeting discussed issues, problems as well as solutions with the international movement of grain. This is the first international workshop that focuses on phytosanitary issues for grain. The Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission (APPPC) sent its representative from the Philippines to participate in the workshop to present the status of movement of grain in the region. The excellent collaboration and contributions among the Regional Plant Protection Organizations (RPPOs) in organizing the workshop demonstrated the kind of useful support that regional organizations could provide to the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) and the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM). Participant evaluations of the workshop were very positive. The results of the workshop provide the basic background for the CPM to decide whether to proceed with an international standard on movement of grain.
Workshop on Training of Trainers on Protection against SALB of Rubber in the Asia-Pacific Region, Penang, Malaysia, 2-6 July 2012
The 26th Session of APPPC held in India in September 2009 agreed that Malaysia lead a working group on South American Leaf Blight (SALB) to prepare a draft programme for the publication of reference materials. As a result, the workshop to develop the training programme and reference materials for protection against SAL B was held in Malaysia in November 2011. At the 27th Session held in Philippines in August 2011, the SALB working group proposed two other follow-up activities, one of which is the Workshop on Training of Trainers on Protection against South American Leaf Blight (SALB) in the Asia-Pacific Region to be held in Penang, Malaysia, from 2-6 July 2012. The overall objective of the workshop is to enhance the capacity building on the protection of SALB. It is also expected that the workshop will produce a core group of competent trainers on SALB and protection of SALB in the region. On return to their respective country, they shall train the local personnel according to their proposed training programme. The trainers are expected to use the training materials received from the workshop to develop training materials in their local language to train or disseminate information on protection SALB in their country. Two participants each from ten countries including Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos PDR, Malaysia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Viet Nam are expected to attend this workshop. Three SALB or quarantine experts from Malaysia will be invited as trainers.
Invitation to the APPPC Pre-CPM meeting for development of regional viewpoints for draft ISPMs and other issues concerned, 14:00-17:00 hours, 7 April 2013, FAO Building, Rome Italy
During the 27th Session of Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission (APPPC), a "Pre-CPM Consultation for APPPC members" was included in the work plan. The Pre-CPM consultation will provide APPPC member with an opportunity for discussion of CPM agenda items more specifically, including the draft ISPMs which will be presented for adoption by the CPM. This meeting facilitates a better understanding of the specific concerns of participants and allows the development regional views on some issues. In order to facilitate the consultation meeting of APPPC prior to the CPM- 8 , participants from APPPC as well as non-parties from the Region, who will participate in the CPM - 8 from 8 -12 April 2013 , are kindly invited to attend this APPPC pre-CPM meeting. The APPPC pre-CPM meeting is scheduled to start from 14:00 hours on Sunday, 7 April 2013, in FAO Headquarters Building, at a meeting room to be decided soon. The agenda of the meeting will be based on the agenda of the CPM8. Details about agenda of the CPM8 could be found at the following weblink: It is suggested that each APPPC member intending to participate in the pre-CPM meeting indicate specific agenda items as well as other specific issues which should be discussed by delegates at the pre-CPM meeting, in addition to name(s) of a representative(s), official title(s), address(es), including telephone, facsimile number(s) and email address(es)of those who are designated to participate in the CPM- 8 and the details of those who might be able to attend the APPPC pre-CPM meeting on 7 April 2013 (14:00-17:00 hours). Your feedback on the requested information above should be sent to [email protected] soonest possible or no later than 25 March 2013.
APPPC Surveillance Information Management Workshop, 2-6 June 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
As part of APPPC activities for 2014-2015, the APPPC Standing Committee on Plant Quarantine is organizing the APPPC Surveillance Information Management Workshop to be hosted by Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur from 2-6 June 2014.
APPPC Workshop on Building Understanding and Preparedness for Electronic Phytosanitary Certification programme/agenda is posted
Recently there has been an increasing interest in determining how National Plant Protection Organizations (NPPOs) could electronically exchange the information currently provided in paper phytosanitary certificates. A harmonized, commonly available, system for the electronic exchange of phytosanitary certificates could increase efficiency by enabling electronically gathered phytosanitary data to be submitted to the importing country electronically, decrease costs associated with printing and shipping paper certificates, increase transparency of certificates etc.
Several NPPOs have been already developing different systems for the electronic exchange of phytosanitary certificates. In order to ensure that members have a common understanding and preparedness for Electronic Phytosanitary Certification as well as to discuss some practical aspects of operating of an ePhyto system the APPPC is organizing the workshop “APPPC Workshop on Building Understanding and Preparedness for Electronic Phytosanitary Certification” The workshop participants will discuss common concepts, terms and definitions as well as harmonization of data requirements and transmission protocols and other important issues.
In order to download the programme/agenda for the workshop please, visit APPPC Standing Committee on Plant Quarantine page
For the date and venue of the workshop please, visit the Calendar
For more information please, contact [email protected]
ePhyto, building understanding and moving forward!!!
The APPPC workshop on Building Understanding and preparedness for Electronic Phytosanitary Certification was convened in Bangkok, Thailand. 28-30 October, 2014 with over 40 participation from 21 countries, IPPC Secretariat and FAO regional office for Asia and the Pacific. It was one of implementation activities of APPPC work plan, which highlights implementation of ISPMs especially ISPM 6, 12, 14 and 15.
During the workshop participants shared country status on the use of hard copy certificates, and systems developed to use electronic certificate in their countries as well as successes, challenges and new emerging issues.
The workshop helped participants enhance understanding of ePhyto knowledge in regulatory and technical issues through the updates on developments in harmonisations of phytosanitary certification and the opportunities for electronic data exchange during several specific sessions such as harmonization of data requirements and transmission protocols, legislative, regulatory and infrastructure requirements as well as communication and capacity development requirements.
Meanwhile participants identified gaps and challenges in development of ePhyto certification as well as the areas to be collaborated during discussions on the analytical result of pre-workshop survey. Potential benefits, obstacles, industry role, constraints to the Hub, elements of model legislation and elements of a generic system for ePhyto, etc were addressed in details.
A number of recommendations were proposed on possible follow up actions to countries, APPPC, IPPC Steering Group on ePhyto and CPM. It was suggested to create an APPPC working group on ePhyto to coordinate the action plan at the region. It was agreed that the working group will be led by Australia with participation of several countries and will begin to prepare initial arrangements and to play the role of coordination on actions concerned. The proper work plan and members of the working group will be finalized at the next APPPC biennial session in 2015.
For more information please visit Plant Quarantine page
A new NROs UPDATE from the IPPC Secretariat
Please be informed that a new communication from the IPPC Secretariat - "NROs UPDATE' (Vol. 1 (2) November 2014) - a newsletter concerning National Reporting Obligations was posted on the APPPC website. This publication provides information on IPPC Official Contact Points – practical aspects, the role of the IPP editor and Advantages of keeping the OCP’s contact details up to date.
You also can visit IPP: for more information.
The 24th Session of APPPC Announcement
The 24th Session of APPPC Announcement
Now available: Country Reports from the 25th Session of the Asia Pacific Plant Protection Commission
Review of the progress of plant protection including pest outbreaks and management, plant quarantine and pesticide management during 2005-2007 in each member country of the APPPC.
The 26th Session of APPPC
The 26th Session of APPPC will be convened from 31 Aug.-4 Sept. 2009 in India. It will be the historical Session since the revised Agreement (about mandatory financial contribution) will come into force on 4 Sept. (last day of the meeting) and several important agendas (such as adoption of Rules of Procedures and the Financial Rules of APPPC) will be included accordingly.
28th Session of the APPPC, Cheju Island (Jeju), Republic of Korea, 23-27 September 2013
The twenty-eighth session of the Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission (APPPC) has recently been held in Cheju Island (Jeju), Republic of Korea, from 23 to 27 September 2013. Sixty-four delegates from 22 contracting Governments, namely, Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Fiji, India, Indonesia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka, Solomon Islands, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Tonga and Viet Nam attended the meeting. Representatives from the IPPC and the Rotterdam Convention Secretariat also participated in the Session. Four delegates from Japan and Singapore attended as observers. There were also observers from CABI and the regional IPM Programme. On behalf of Mr. Hiroyuki Konuma, Assitant Director General and FAO Regional Representative for Asia and Pacific, Mr. A. Fuavao, Deputy Regional Representative, delivered a welcome address. This was followed by the inaugural address by Mr. In-Hong Yeo, Vice Minister, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Affairs (MAFRA), Republic of Korea. At the session, the participants reviewed and discussed many activities of APPPC and its member countries and adopted several key resolutions. These included, among others, country reports, the report on the implementation of the work plan adopted at the previous session, development and implementation of ISPMs and RSPMs, management of pests and pesticides, information exchange, capacity development, training workshops, cooperation among members, financial report of the previous biennium, the proposed work plan and budget for the next biennium, as well as the proposed mandatory contributions for 2014-2015. Thanks to the warm hospitality and enormous contribution by the host country, the Republic of Korea, the session is a great success. APPPC together its member countries look forward to the fruitful implementation of the various activities in line with the work plan established for the forthcoming biennium.
Information note on the 27th Session of the Asia Pacific Plant Protection Commission to be held in Manila from 15-19 August 2011
The information note provides the participants with details about the conference venue, the meeting room and meals, field trip as well as airport transfers.
Information exchange action plans of 15 APPPC member countries and Japan
The regional workshop on information exchange through the IPP portal and APPPC website was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 4-9 July 2011. At the regional workshop, the delegates from 15 member countries and Japan have established action plans for promoting information exchange. For more details about the action plan of each country, please visit the following weblink to download the related files (Document numbers: ApppcInfoExchange 01/2011 – 16/2011).
CPM-9 capacity development side session - regional perspectives: Emerging Pests (Rome, Italy, 2 April 2014)
During the 9th Session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM-9), a seminar on emerging pests in FAO regions was held on 2 April 2014. Presentations were made on the following four pests in 4 out of 7 FAO regions:
•Maize Lethal Necrosis Disease (East Africa),
•Red Palm Weevil and Tuta absoluta (Near East),
•Potato moth, Tomato moth and Webworm (Central Asia and Eastern Europe), and
•Cassava pink mealy bug (Asia) (See the attachment on Brief Introduction of Cassava Pink Mealybug Status).
The initiative to share experiences of emerging pests in FAO regions which started in 2013 has been well received by IPPC’s contracting parties, as witnessed by the participation of about 70 delegates in this side event.
The APPPC workshop on Building Understanding and preparedness for Electronic Phytosanitary Certification was convened in Bangkok, Thailand. 28-30 October, 2014
The APPPC workshop on Building Understanding and preparedness for Electronic Phytosanitary Certification was convened in Bangkok, Thailand. 28-30 October, 2014 with over 40 participation from 21 countries, IPPC Secretariat and FAO regional office for Asia and the Pacific. It was one of implementation activities of APPPC work plan, which highlights implementation of ISPMs especially ISPM 6, 12, 14 and 15.
During the workshop participants shared country status on the use of hard copy certificates, and systems developed to use electronic certificate in their countries as well as successes, challenges and new emerging issues.
The workshop helped participants enhance understanding of ePhyto knowledge in regulatory and technical issues through the updates on developments in harmonisations of phytosanitary certification and the opportunities for electronic data exchange during several specific sessions such as harmonization of data requirements and transmission protocols, legislative, regulatory and infrastructure requirements as well as communication and capacity development requirements.
Meanwhile participants identified gaps and challenges in development of ePhyto certification as well as the areas to be collaborated during discussions on the analytical result of pre-workshop survey. Potential benefits, obstacles, industry role, constraints to the Hub, elements of model legislation and elements of a generic system for ePhyto, etc were addressed in details.
A number of recommendations were proposed on possible follow up actions to countries, APPPC, IPPC Steering Group on ePhyto and CPM. It was suggested to create an APPPC working group on ePhyto to coordinate the action plan at the region. It was agreed that the working group will be led by Australia with participation of several countries and will begin to prepare initial arrangements and to play the role of coordination on actions concerned. The proper work plan and members of the working group will be finalized at the next APPPC biennial session in 2015.
For more information please visit Plant Quarantine page
Timor-Leste becomes a new member of APPPC since 20 April 2012
Timor-Leste becomes a new member of APPPC since 20 April 2012
New International Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management is posted on APPPC
Since its adoption by the FAO Conference in 1985, the International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides has been amended twice, in 1989 and in 2002. The Code provides a voluntary framework for the life cycle management of pesticides and remains widely accepted by countries, intergovernmental organizations, the private sector and civil society. A consequence of its wide acceptance and its value as a tool is that more international organizations wish to adopt it. Therefore it is important to keep the Code up to date and aligned with developments in the field of chemicals and pesticide management. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) which have long collaborated in its development and implementation have expressed an interest in having the Code officially adopted by their Governing bodies. In order to do so a number of amendments were required to strengthen the way the Code addresses the health and environment sectors. In the process of reviewing the Code, the FAO and WHO expert panels on pesticide management identified several articles that could benefit from clarification and/or simplification, update or strengthening. The new International Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management was presented to the FAO Conference in June 2013, replacing the previous version (International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides)
For more information, please visit APPPC page on pesticide managment
Call for Experts - Expert Consultation on Phytosanitary treatments for Bactrocera dorsalis complex, 1-5 December 2014, Okinawa, Japan
The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is soliciting nominations for qualified experts and scientists to participate in the Expert Consultation on Phytosanitary treatments for Bactrocera dorsalis complex, which is planned to take place from 1-5 December 2014 in Okinawa, Japan.
Objectives of the meeting are to:
· provide a forum for phytosanitary treatments researchers from around the world to discuss and share the scientific and practical issues related to the development of fruit fly treatments to control pest species within the B. dorsalis complex and determine an acceptable common approach.
· identify phytosanitary treatments for pest species within the B. dorsalis complex used nationally or regionally, and
· provide a forum for phytosanitary treatment experts to understand the constraints with developing fruit fly treatments and identify common methods to address these constraints.
For more detailed information about the Expert Consultation, please refer to the attached concept note (5 pages) and the below call page on the below IPPC Website.
As per the requirements stated in the Call, IPPC is seeking experts in phytosanitary treatment research in species of the B. dorsalis complex (B. invadens, B. dorsalis s.s., B. papayae, B. philippinensis).
Invited experts would be expected to share an overview of treatments they have developed and through discussion, participants should be able to identify and agree how to address the main issues in the development Expert Consultation on phytosanitary treatments for the Bactrocera dorsalis complex treatments . As well, the experts would be expected to present their data and participants will analyse commonalities between data.
To help facilitate this process, the experts should also consider the results of the Expert Consultation on Cold Treatments held in 2013 to gain experience in how this group identified global issues affecting the development of phytosanitary cold treatments.
Expected outputs of the meeting:
· a list of approved (by NPPO or RPPO) phytosanitary treatments used to control pest species within the Bactrocera dorsalis complex,
· agreement on a common approach to the development of fruit fly phytosanitary treatments, including methodologies, statistical analyses, carrying out confirmatory trials, evaluating and submitting a plan for future collaboration among all involved in the consultation,
· a joint peer reviewed paper on the development of phytosanitary treatments for fruit flies.
In responding to the call, the nominations should be to Dr. Nuri Niyazi, Standard Setting Programme Specialist of IPPC (email address: [email protected]), soonest possible or by Monday, 15 September 2014 the latest.
Postgraduate diploma in pesticide risk management
The School of Public Health and Famility Medicine, University of Cape Town, is offering a Postgraduate Diploma in Pesticide Risk Mangagement (DPRM).
The two-year part-time learning programme aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills to enable them to practice as a pesticide risk manager in line with the International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides published by FAO and WHO. The Code offers a holistic and comprehensive guideline for managing all aspects related to pesticides.
The delivery mode of the programme consists of web-based courses with mandatory face-to-face learning.
It is open to candidates with an undergraduate degree in Agriculture, Public Health, Toxicology, Social Science or other relevant field. If interested, please apply on-line at: Please also be informed that your application has to be submited by 30 September 2014.
Attached please find the DPRM advertisement and the programme brochure 2015/2016. For more details, please contact Mrs Susan Walker, whose email address is as follows:
APPPC regional workshop on practical aspects of pesticide risk assessment and phasing out of highly hazardous pesticides, 19-22 May 2014, Nanjing, China
The phasing out of highly hazardous pesticides (HHPs) is one of FAO’s important areas of work. The HHP criteria agreed by JMPM (FAO/WHO Joint Meeting on Pesticide Management) provide guidance on what might be an HHP. The new code of conduct includes definition and recommendations on what countries can do to mitigate risks arising from HHPs.
A number of countries in this region have taken various approaches and initiatives to phase out HHPs. China is one of the countries which have achieved significant progress on phasing out of HHPs, pesticide registrations, quality control as well as on import and export management.
Over the past years, the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (FAO RAP) has organized a number of regional workshops aimed at enhancing harmonization among countries’ regulatory framework for the control of pesticides. The APPPC Regional workshop on practical aspects of pesticide risk assessment and phasing out of HHPs was proposed in the same context and specifically focused on a number of practical aspects of pesticide management that the earlier workshops identified as areas for further attention.
In collaboration with the FAO regional project on pesticide risk reduction, and also with the Government of People’s Republic of China, the regional workshop on practical aspects of pesticide risk assessment and phasing out of highly hazardous pesticides was organized in Nanjing, China from 19-22 May 2014. It was attended by delegates from 15 countries from Asia.
The objectives of the workshop were as follows:
- review to what extent use can be made of registration data from countries with advanced risk assessment procedures;
- exchange experiences related to the phasing out of highly hazardous pesticides, with emphasis on practical aspects of such phasing out;
- explore scope for collaboration in the review of new chemicals and current highly hazardous products; - discuss mechanisms for collaboration among countries in addressing the problem of fake and substandard products;
- provide updates on new developments, such as the revision of the International Code of Conduct and the reforms of China’s labeling and Japan’s registration system.
To facilitate information exchange in Asia, an electronic working group on pesticide risk assessment was formed. It established a platform for information exchange as well as address related issues.
The participanting countries were encouraged to take appropriate actions since experience has shown that the phasing out of HHPs would not only reduce the risks to human health and the environment, but would also make the pesticide industry and agricultural production more competitive and sustainable.
For the report of the regional workshop, please visit the following weblink:
CPM-9 Side Session: Updated cold treatment related activities (Rome, Italy, 1 April 2014)
During the 9th Session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM-9), over 100 delegates participated in the IPPC standard setting side session on ‘Update cold treatment-related activities'.
Result and outcomes of the Expert Consultation on Cold Treatment (ECCT) held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in December 2013 were presented. The participants learned about the ways to collaborate on future research and the key research requirements that needed to be addressed when developing cold treatments. For more details, please visit the following weblink:
The participants agree it is crucial to continue this work in order to lay better scientific foundation for the international standards.
They have been informed of the forthcoming Expert Consultation on Phytosanitary Treatments for Bactrocera dorsalis Complex to be organized by IPPC and hosted by Japan’s NPPO on 1-5 December 2014.
Successful 9th Session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM-9), Rome, Italy, 31 March 2014 – 4 April 2014
The 9th Session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM-9) held in Rome, Italy, from 31 March 2014 to 4 April 2014, has been a success.
FAO ADG Mr. Ren Wang welcomes the Commission, emphasizing the importance of the role of the IPPC in developing and implementing global standards for phytosanitary measures, which facilitate safe global trade of plants and plant resources. The contributions of IPPC and its 181 contracting parties to the standards are crucial for accomplishing the five strategic objectives of FAO and its members, which include the following:
1. Contribute to the eradication of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition,
2. Increase and improve provision of goods and services from agriculture, forestry and fisheries in a sustainable manner,
3. Reduce rural poverty,
4. Enable more inclusive and efficient agricultural and food systems at local, national and international levels,
5. Increase the resilience of livelihoods to threats and crises.
Noteworthy are the hard work of the people involved in the CPM as well as the progress achieved by IPPC’s standard committee and capacity development committee.
During the Session, CPM-9 addresses various issues including:
· Adoption of new international standards and CPM recommendations,
· Notable achievements by the capacity development committee,
· On-going communication efforts,
· Ways forward for dispute settlement, and
· Improvements in national reporting obligations.
The participants of CPM-9 also benefit from participating in the various side events planned between the sessions. Apart from the supporting documents of CPM-9, the final report would be posted on the following weblink soon after the meeting:
Pre-CPM Consultation for APPPC members, 31 March 2014, Rome, Italy
The Pre-CPM Consultation for APPPC members is included in the work plan adopted at the 28th Session of the Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission. The consultation will provide APPPC member with an opportunity for discussion of CPM agenda items more specifically, including the draft ISPMs which will be presented for adoption by the CPM. This meeting facilitates a better understanding of the specific concerns of participants and allows the development regional views on some issues.
In order to facilitate the consultation meeting of APPPC prior to the CPM- 9 , participants from APPPC as well as non-parties but from the Region, who will participate in the CPM - 9 from 31 March -4 April 2014, are kindly invited to attend this APPPC pre-CPM meeting. The APPPC pre-CPM meeting will start from 9:30 hours on 31 March (Monday) 2014 at the FAO Headquarter Building. The specific room for the consultation will be determined later. The agenda of the meeting will be based on the agenda of the CPM9. It is suggested that each APPPC member intending to participate in the pre-CPM meeting please indicates specific agenda items that delegates wish to discuss as well as other specific issues where you would like to discuss a particular point.
APPPC Systems Approach Workshop, 4-8 November 2013, Bangkok, Thailand
APPPC organized an APPPC Systems Approach (SA) Workshop from 4-8 November 2013 in Bangkok, Thailand with financial support from Australia. This meeting constituted work on the third ISPM that the APPC has carried out - ISPM 6, ISPM 15 and now ISPM 14. The ISPM14 is an extremely important standard and members had requested workshops on this. The systems approaches methodology, which uses several elements, is one of the most important options for pest risk management. This workshop drew on the principles of ISPM 14 “The use of integrated measures in a systems approach for pest risk management” to examine the practical implementation of systems approaches in pest management. The workshop focused on the principles of ISPM 14 The options for pest risk management that an SA provides were studied by examining the characteristics of an SA (such as being least trade restrictive, adequately documented, monitored and validated etc) and aspects of the application of measures – including the application of measures at pre-planting, pre-harvest, harvest, post-harvest etc. During the workshop, participants : • Have developed a shared understanding of the implementation of systems approaches in pest risk management, through analysing a number of case studies which illustrate the key issues, and undertaking practical exercises in developing systems approaches. • Identified the practical difficulties of implementation of systems approaches to implement export requirement • Identified further areas of work to assist the implementation of systems approaches. • Identified appropriate support materials, to be developed during 2014/15. Participants proposed a number of suggestions on potential areas as well as reference materials to be considered by next workshop on SA. Participants satisfied with the workshop and wish to have additional opportunity of participation in future workshop on SA.>
APPPC Systems Approach Workshop, 4-8 November 2013, Bangkok, Thailand
APPPC organized an APPPC Systems Approach (SA) Workshop from 4-8 November 2013 in Bangkok, Thailand with financial support from Australia. This meeting constituted work on the third ISPM that the APPC has carried out - ISPM 6, ISPM 15 and now ISPM 14. The ISPM14 is an extremely important standard and members had requested workshops on this. The systems approaches methodology, which uses several elements, is one of the most important options for pest risk management. This workshop drew on the principles of ISPM 14 “The use of integrated measures in a systems approach for pest risk management” to examine the practical implementation of systems approaches in pest management. The workshop focused on the principles of ISPM 14 The options for pest risk management that an SA provides were studied by examining the characteristics of an SA (such as being least trade restrictive, adequately documented, monitored and validated etc) and aspects of the application of measures – including the application of measures at pre-planting, pre-harvest, harvest, post-harvest etc. During the workshop, participants : • Have developed a shared understanding of the implementation of systems approaches in pest risk management, through analysing a number of case studies which illustrate the key issues, and undertaking practical exercises in developing systems approaches. • Identified the practical difficulties of implementation of systems approaches to implement export requirement • Identified further areas of work to assist the implementation of systems approaches. • Identified appropriate support materials, to be developed during 2014/15. Participants proposed a number of suggestions on potential areas as well as reference materials to be considered by next workshop on SA. Participants satisfied with the workshop and wish to have additional opportunity of participation in future workshop on SA>
Indonesia ratifies the Rotterdam Convention on PIC
At the recent 28th Session of the APPPC, Indonesia informed the participants that it ratified the Rotterdam Convention on the Agreement Procedures based on the Initial Information for Certain Dangerous Chemicals and Pesticides through Law number 10 Year 2013 (on 8 May 2013). The Rotterdam Convention is an instrument which has been ratified by many countries which guarantee the supporting Country through a regulation on approval based on the initial information for certain industrial chemicals and pesticides in the international trade. The Convention is expected to protect Indonesian society from the negative impacts of international trade on certain dangerous chemicals and pesticides through the arrangement of approval procedures based on the initial information. Other conventions which are related to the Rotterdam Convention are Basel Convention, which regulates Supervision on the Traffic Changes of Dangerous Wastes and its Disposal, and Stockholm Convention, which regulates production and handling of chemicals. Indonesia has become the member in the two Conventions>
Change of the paper of Phytosanitary Certificate and Phytosanitary Certificate for Re-export issued by Japan s Plant Protection Station
The Plant Protection Station, Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), announces the change of its paper of the Phytosanitary Certificate and Phytosanitary Certificate for Re-export (PCs). Issuance of PCs on new paper will start from October 1st, 2013. New paper will be introduced taking into security consideration. Characteristics of the new paper are as follows: - Words of ‘農林水産省植物防疫所 JAPANESE GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE FORESTRY AND FISHERIES PLANT PROTECTION STATION’ are printed with very small yellowish green letters on the whole paper. - Two paulownia crests are watermarked on the paper. - When the paper is copied, words of‘COPY 複写’will appear on the copied paper. Please note that there is no change for the format of the PCs. Current paper will be used until the issuance of PCs on September 30th, 2013. The specimens (jpeg files) of the new paper(PC) and the new paper(re-export PC) are attached for ready reference.>
EPA s order for the cancellations of products containing Chlorpyrifos
United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recently announced its order for the cancellations of products containing chlorpyrifos, pursuant to the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). This cancellation order follows a March 9, 2005 Federal Register Notice of Receipt of Request from the registrant to voluntarily cancel these product registrations. In the March 9, 2005 notice, EPA indicated that it would issue an order implementing the cancellations, unless the Agency received substantive comments within the 180-day comment period that would merit its further review of these requests, or unless the registrant withdrew their request. The Agency did not receive any comments on the notice. As a result, any distribution, sale, or use of the products subject to this cancellation order is permitted only in accordance with the terms of this order, including any existing stocks provisions. For more details, please refer to the attachment and the following web link:!documentDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OPP-2005-0057-0002
Wheat rust diseases remain a constant but neglected threat
FAO warns this year’s strong wheat output could be hampered by wheat rusts. 13 June 2013 – FAO is calling for countries in the global ‘wheat belt’ to step up monitoring and prevention for wheat rusts – fungal diseases that do especially well in particularly wet seasons. Yields could be affected across North Africa, the Middle East into West and South Asia, which account for more than 30 percent of global wheat output and nearly 40 percent of total land area dedicated to wheat planting. For more details, please visit>
Ordinary and extraordinary meetings of the conferences of the parties to Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions, Geneva, Switzerland, 28 April - 10 May 2013
The ordinary and extraordinary meetings of the Conferences of the Parties (COPs & ExCOPs) to Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions will be held in Geneva, Switzerland, from 28 April until 10 May 2013. The three conventions share the common goal of protecting human health and the environment from hazardous chemicals and wastes. The objective of holding these meetings back-to-back is to strengthen the implementation of the three conventions at the national, regional and global levels, promote coherent policy guidance and enhance efficiency in the provision of support to parties. The arrangements will also allow for a more effective and coherent decision-making on policy, technical and budget matters, including on joint activities among the conventions and other specific matters, which will help identify new concrete areas where synergies can be achieved. The documents related to the forthcoming event are available on the following:
(1) the Rotterdam Convention website ( and
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is a major player in issues related to pesticides management and different aspects of implementation of the conventions. It considers reducing reliance on pesticides as a principle element of its focus areas on sustainable production intensification and pesticide risk reduction programmes, through which FAO helps countries effectively implement and meet their obligations under the three conventions. FAO as part of the Secretariat of the Rotterdam Convention participates in five of the thematic groups established between the Secretariats of the conventions to focus on cross-cutting issues including technical assistance, public awareness and outreach, regional centres, clearing house mechanism as well as scientific and technical matters. Many technical assistance activities have also been delivered with the support of the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific as well as the Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission (APPPC). These include, among others, preparation of national action plans, capacity building in ratification and implementation, promotion of interaction among trade partners, and enhancement of regional collaboration in pesticide regulatory management.
Bee deaths: EU to ban neonicotinoid pesticides
The European Commission will restrict the use of pesticides linked to bee deaths by researchers, despite a split among EU states on the issue. For details, please visit: >
Cambodia becomes a new Party to the Rotterdam Convention
Cambodia recently lodged with the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the depositary of the Rotterdam Convention, its instrument of accession to the Convention on the Prior Informed Consent (PIC) procedures for certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international trade. It becomes a new Party to the Convention, and in accordance with Article 26(2), the Convention will enter into force for Cambodia on 30 May 2013. As a result, the total number of Parties to the Convention now amounts to 151. >
APPPC symposium on pest surveillance, 29 October - 2 November 2012, Anyang, Republic of Korea
The above symposium was established to develop assistance for countries in the implementation of ISPM 6 (Guidelines for surveillance). For the first time, it set priority for development of manual guides based on questionnaire results and manual framework description by an expert group with global representation. The symposium held by APPPC/RAP from 29 Oct - 2 Nov 2012 in Republic of Korea was attended by about 50 experts from 28 countries, 19 of which were APPPC members. Countries were to be assisted in producing national manuals on surveillance, with the priority areas identified. The attendants jointly constructed 20 manual frameworks on surveillance which covered three surveillance areas including operational guidance,technical support and management support. The manual guides will be produced by the International Review and Support System (IRSS) of IPPC next year. The guides will act as a basis material for countries to develop their own surveillance manuals. The symposium has met the original aims of APPPC in moving towards the development of assistance that will help its members implement ISPM 6. The attendants proposed the reporting of the results of the meeting at the CPM and the production of manual frameworks for ISPMs on PRA, pest status, pest reporting and pest lists. (Please see the attachment for more details.)>
13th APPPC Asia Regional Workshop for the Review of Draft ISPMs (3-7 Sept. 2012, Republic of Korea)
The 13th APPPC Asia Regional Workshop for the Review of Draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) was convened from 3-7 September 2012 in Gyeong Ju, Republic of Korea. 25 experts from 14 APPPC member countries and Japan participated in the meeting. A large number of technical, editorial comments and recommendations were made to 3 draft ISPMs including Draft appendix to ISPM 12: Electronic certification; Determination of host status of fruits and vegetables to fruit fly (Tephritidae) infestation (2006-031); and Draft Annex to ISPM 26: Establishment of fruit fly quarantine areas within a pest free area in the event of an outbreak 92009-007. APPPC has been playing a leading role in the regional contribution to the development of international standards to prevent entry and spread of quarantine pests. The workshop provided an opportunity for the members to discuss in detail their views to the draft ISPMs. The results of the discussions not only assist the members to consolidate their comments and improve the quality of the draft standards but also lead to wider understanding on key issues on the subjects. The final report including comments and recommendations could be found at the following web link:[showUid]=2185091&frompage=1110848&type=publication&subtype=&L=0#item
Pesticide Discussion Forum (on-line) for Pesticide Registrars
Invitation is extended to pesticide registrars in all APPPC member countries and Japan to join the on-line discussion forum which takes place every two weeks. The objective of the forum is to get the views of pesticide registrars and others working in the field in developing countries. Most of the current participants are from African countries, but there are some from the Caribbean and Pacific. Attached is the list of discussion topics that will be addressed in the University of Cape Town on-line discussions until December 2012. The discussions are in English and everything is typed, so there is no speech or video.
If you are interested in getting more details or joining the forum, please send your request to Emma Alexander ([email protected]) or Andre Rother ([email protected])
The Third Project Management Committee (PMC) Meeting on Pesticide Regulatory Harmonization
The Third Project Management Committee (PMC 3) meeting on pesticide regulatory harmonization was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 31 October to 4 November 2011. A total of 21 delegates from Cambodia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam attended the meeting. Representatives from FAO as well as Crop Life Asia, the lead consultant and the consultants for bio-efficacy, bio-pesticide registration harmonization, formulation analysis, and information exchange and residue analysis also attended the meeting. the meeting was very successful, it fulfilled the objectives of the meeting, primarily the adoption of 5 guidelines for application in the Pesticide Regulatory Harmonization process, after much discussion and some arguments, but all in the spirit of collaboration and with the aim of assisting the countries in the ASEAN region in their efforts to properly manage pesticides. At the end of the discussions it was agreed that the guidelines and test protocols need to be immediately applied so as to get the full benefits, although it was also agreed that there may be a need to adjust & modify them However this is a good beginning indeed and certainly in applying these guidelines, all the regulatory authorities in the participating countries will feel more confident, knowing that they are observing internationally-accepted protocols and procedures. The rest is up to each NPC as the pesticide regulatory responsible officials in each country, there is a need to carry out self-assessment and identify the gaps within the system, with the help of these guidelines, and to take further steps to address these deficiencies.>
27th Session of the Asia Pacific Plant Protection Commission to be held in Manila from 15-19 August 2011
The twenty-seventh session of the Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission (APPPC) was held in Manila, Philippines from 15 to 19 August, 2011. Forty-seven delegates from 19 contracting Governments, namely, Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Viet Nam attended the meeting. Delegates from Japan and East Timor attended as observers. There were also 13 observers from various organizations and 14 additional participants from the Philippines.
Supreme Court refuses to lift ban on endosulfan
NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court on Friday refused to relax countrywide ban on manufacture, sale and use of ........
Please visit the following weblink for details:>
FAO Regional Training Course on Cassava Mealybug and Its Management (with special focus on the parasitoid Anagyru lopezi)
FAO Regional Training Course on Cassava Mealybug and Its Management (with special focus on the parasitoid Anagyru lopezi) is scheduled to take place in Pattaya, Chonburi Province, Thailand, from 1-5 August 2011. The objectives are to familiarise participants from the GMS countries with the life cycle, ecology and natural enemies of Cassava Mealybug (CM), to training participants on the parasitorid A. lopezi and to enable the GMS countries to become prepared and be ready to deal with the CM should it be present in their country. For more details, please read the attached document below.>
IPPC Workshop on the International Movement of Grain to be held in Vancouver, Canada, from 6-8 December 2011
Canada is hosting an open ended workshop on the international movement of grains from 6-8 December 2011 at the Renaissance Vancouver Harbourside Hotel in Vancouver. The workshop is endorsed by the IPPC and is a joint activity of the North America Plant Protection Organization and the APPPC.
At the APPPC working group meeting on planning held in Bangkok from 26-28 April 2011, it was recommended that two representatives from member countries be funded to represent the APPPC at the grains workshop. These two representatives would canvass the views of APPPC countries prior to the workshop to ensure that all views of member countries are captured. Whilst noting that grain industry experts will attend the workshop, the working group agreed that the APPPC representatives should be drawn from relevant government agencies.
Member countries are invited to provide any recommendation of potential candidate to represent the APPPC at the grains workshop in Canada. When nominating candidates, please include their curriculum vitae and send their details to Mr. Rob Schwartz (email address: [email protected])
The detail information (registration, hotel, draft agenda, information note) on international workshop on grain movement is available from the NAPPO website:
Training workshop on ISPM No.15
A training workshop on ISPM No.15 for ASEAN countries will be held in Anyang, Republic of Korea from 15-17 June 2009 by collaboration among Korean National Plant Quarantine Service, IPPC and APPPC. About 21 participants from 10 ASEAN countries, China, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan will participate in the training workshop.>
IPP Capacity Building Activity
The workshop will be held in Malaysia at the late of April 2005 to facilitate capacity building of information exchange through the International Phytosanitary Portal (IPP)for nominated contacting officials.>