The above symposium was established to develop assistance for countries in the implementation of ISPM 6 (Guidelines for surveillance). For the first time, it set priority for development of manual guides based on questionnaire results and manual framework description by an expert group with global representation. The symposium held by APPPC/RAP from 29 Oct - 2 Nov 2012 in Republic of Korea was attended by about 50 experts from 28 countries, 19 of which were APPPC members. Countries were to be assisted in producing national manuals on surveillance, with the priority areas identified. The attendants jointly constructed 20 manual frameworks on surveillance which covered three surveillance areas including operational guidance,technical support and management support. The manual guides will be produced by the International Review and Support System (IRSS) of IPPC next year. The guides will act as a basis material for countries to develop their own surveillance manuals. The symposium has met the original aims of APPPC in moving towards the development of assistance that will help its members implement ISPM 6. The attendants proposed the reporting of the results of the meeting at the CPM and the production of manual frameworks for ISPMs on PRA, pest status, pest reporting and pest lists. (Please see the attachment for more details.)