The 18th APPPC Regional workshop on review of Draft International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures(ISPMs) will be held in Busan, Rep. of Korea from 4-8 September 2017. The workshop will be supported by the Department of Plant Quarantine, Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency (APQA), Rep. of Korea. In this workshop, APPPC member countries will review and discuss 3 new draft ISPMs and 4 ISPMs for the second consultation. In addition, the workshop will also discuss on emerging pests issues in plant health, achievement of the implementation and capacity development committee, implementation progress of the pilot programme on surveillance, International Year of Plant Health and update on the administrative activities of RPPO and IPPC. Senior Plant Protection Officers are invited to attend the workshop. Participants of the workshop is required to collate and prepare draft country comments on the ISPMs and up-load to the IPPC on-line comment system (OCS) prior to the meeting for sharing with other participants durng the meeting.
Type of event
Start date - End date
Date to expire
Busan, Republic of Korea