Plant Protection Profile of Pakistan.

Publication date
Executive summary
Executive summary
Department of PlantProtection /National Plant Protection Organization of Pakistan was the subordinate Depaartment of Ministry of Food and Agriculture of Food and Agriculture. Since 1st,July 2011 it was taken over by the Ministry of Commerce .IPPC Secretariat will be informed when detail tnfomation from Ministry will be received.Pakistan follow all International obligations in letter and spirit suchas IPPC,SPS ,WTO,and allISPMs.
List of key legislation/regulations/rules
Legislations policies
&nbsp; List of Key Legislation/Regulations/Rules &nbsp; 1.<span> </span>Pakistan Plant Quarantine Act, 1976 2.<span> </span>Pakistan Plant Quarantine Rules, 1967 3.<span> </span>Bio-Safety Rules, 2005 and Bio-Safety Guidelines &nbsp; Web source for further information: &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;