Samples of Pesticide registration certificates in China

Publication date
05 Feb 2015
<p>&nbsp;</p><div class="page" title="Page 11"><div class="layoutArea"><div class="column"><p><span style="font-size: 12.000000pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman'">During the APPPC workshop&nbsp;</span><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman,Bold'; font-size: 12pt; line-height: 1.6em;">on Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management 26-30 January 2015, Kathmandu, Nepal,&nbsp;</span><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: 12pt; line-height: 1.6em;">Chinese pesticide registration certificate and export certificate were presented and all elements on the forms were explained by Ms Zhang Wei from China. This exercise helped those countries that import pesticides from China to understand the certification system and how they could check whether a pesticide is legally registered in China.&nbsp;</span></p></div></div></div><p>&nbsp;</p>
Export/Import Certificate
Field Trial Certificate
Label Sample
Production Certificate
Registration Certificate