Publication date
18 Jun 2014
<p>The workshop was part of the activities of the project GCP/RAS/286/ROK - Support to Capacity Development in Implementation of Plant Pest Surveillance and Information Management in Southeast Asian Countries, being implemented by IPPC from June 2013 to May 2016. For more details about the project, please visit</p><p>The workshop produced very significant and meaningful results as follows:</p><p>• Participants increased their knowledge of IPPC and ISPMs especially the role of pest surveillance in pest risk analysis and complying IPPC. They also had an opportunity to enhance capacity of implementing pest surveillance with better understanding of basic knowledge of key elements of pest surveillance. Detail reference materials provided to each participant enabled them to have further study and sharing with other colleagues. The country reports were also good materials for sharing and exchanging information on each country’s pest surveillance status and on-going activities.</p><p>• The participating countries shared their lessons and experience in pest surveillance. They also highlighted their priorities of concerns and interest on the pests and crops in association with trade strategies. Based on the countries’ prioritized areas, the subjects and schedules for in-country trainings for 2015 could be adjusted accordingly.</p><p>• Survey questionnaires and check lists collected from participants gave details on the trainees’ expertise level, equipment handling skills and preferences of the subjects as well as demand for training environment. The results of the review and analysis were useful for planning next training workshops.</p><p>• Suggestions and recommendations made by the participants during the discussion on the effective implementation of the workshop and capacity development of SEA countries could contribute to the development of the short-term and long-term strategies for better achievement of the project’s objectives.</p>