Publication date
16 Sep 2010
<p>This report is based on the APPPC regional workshop for the review of draft ISPMs, which was held in Pyongchang, Republic of Korea, from 6-10 September 2010. The purpose of the workshop is to provide participants from countries in each FAO region with a regional forum to discuss draft ISPMs. The discussions helped the participants gain a better understanding of the national and regional impact of the proposed standards and provided a basis for the development and submission of national comments. The workshop covers the following five draft ISPMs: (1) Systems approach of pest risk management of fruit flies. (2) Submission of new treatments for inclusion in ISPM No. 15. (3) Integrated measures approach for managing pest risks associated with international trade of plants for planting. (4) Irradiation treatment for Ceratitis capitata (Annex to ISPM 28) (5) Diagnostic protocol for Plum pox virus.</p>