Determination of Details, Criteria and Procedure for Registration, Issuance and Extension of Hazardous Substances Registration Certificate

Publication date
Executive summary
Executive summary
Registration of hazardous substance shall consists of 3 phases as follows.
Phase 1 - Trials Clearance for knowing the efficacy and information on acute toxicity. In this respect, production or importation of hazardous substance sample in a limited quantity is allowed for the efficacy or residue test, as the case may be.
Phase 2 - Provisional Clearance for demonstrating the usage and knowing information on sub-acute toxicity, chronic toxicity relating to teratogenicity, reproductive effect, mutagenicity, toxicity to nervous system, oncogenicity and carcinogenicity (if any) and toxic residues. In this respect, production or importation of hazardous substance sample in limited quantity for demonstration of usage in the limited area is allowed.
Phase 3 - Final evaluation for full registration by evaluating the results of experiments and various information in order to know efficacy and safety to human and the environment sufficiently if it is for use, including long term chronic toxicity (2 years) to testing animal.
List of key legislation/regulations/rules
Legislations policies
Section 5 paragraph three, Section 20(1) and (4), Section 36 paragraph three and Section 37 of the Hazardous Substances Act B.E. 2535(1992) and amended by the Hazardous Substances Act (No. 3) B.E. 2551 (2008)