APPPC Calendar


Start date - End date
Short description
SALB is a very destructive disease of rubber and cause severe losses in the American Tropic. In the APPPC region, the disease is reported to be absent. However, the disease has not been declare free according to the international standard. This workshop aim in exposing the APPPC rubber growing countries to the procedure related to recognizing pest free area and maintaining the pest free area through proper quarantine and surveillance management. The workshop will be held in Kuala Lumpur.


Start date - End date
Short description
SALB is a very destructive disease of rubber and cause severe losses in the American Tropic. In the APPPC region, the disease is reported to be absent. However, the disease has not been declare free according to the international standard. This workshop aim in exposing the APPPC rubber growing countries to the procedure related to recognizing pest free area and maintaining the pest free area through proper quarantine and surveillance management. The workshop will be held in Kuala Lumpur.

APPPC Regional Workshop on IPPC National Reporting Obligation (NRO) and Use of Information Exchange Portal (IPP)

Start date - End date
Short description
The workshop will be organized by APPPC in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, China and schedule to be held in Beijing China 5-9 September 2016. The objectives are to (1) update on the global NRO framework, (2) identify NRO challenges for member countries, (3) formulate national NRO work plans for 2016-2020 and (4) sensitize APPPC members to IPPC awareness raising and advocacy needs. The expected outputs are IPPC contact points and IPP editors were trained in fulfilling their NROs and IPP data entry to achieve country's reporting obligations, agreement on National NRO work plan for 2016-2020 and monitoring procedure on the implementation, increase awareness of the CPM IYPH initiatives to generate support through national representatives at FAO Council and Conference and identify opportunities to increase IPPC awareness and advocacy leading to 2020 with NROs as the foundation. All IPPC contact point or representative(IPP editor)of the NPPO is invited to attend. Nomination should be received by the APPPC secretariat not later than 20 July 2016.

APPPC Regional Workshop on IPPC National Reporting Obligation (NRO) and Use of Information Exchange Portal (IPP)

Start date - End date
Short description
The workshop will be organized by APPPC in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, China and schedule to be held in Beijing China 5-9 September 2016. The objectives are to (1) update on the global NRO framework, (2) identify NRO challenges for member countries, (3) formulate national NRO work plans for 2016-2020 and (4) sensitize APPPC members to IPPC awareness raising and advocacy needs. The expected outputs are IPPC contact points and IPP editors were trained in fulfilling their NROs and IPP data entry to achieve country's reporting obligations, agreement on National NRO work plan for 2016-2020 and monitoring procedure on the implementation, increase awareness of the CPM IYPH initiatives to generate support through national representatives at FAO Council and Conference and identify opportunities to increase IPPC awareness and advocacy leading to 2020 with NROs as the foundation. All IPPC contact point or representative(IPP editor)of the NPPO is invited to attend. Nomination should be received by the APPPC secretariat not later than 20 July 2016.

Workshop on Methodologies for Sampling of Consignments (ISPM 31)

Start date - End date
Short description
The overall objective of the workshop is to strengthen capacity of national plant protection organizations (NPPOs) in selecting appropriate sampling methodologies for inspection or testing of consignments to verify compliance with phytosanitary requirements. The concept note and tentative timetable will be posted shortly.

Workshop on Methodologies for Sampling of Consignments (ISPM 31)

Start date - End date
Short description
The overall objective of the workshop is to strengthen capacity of national plant protection organizations (NPPOs) in selecting appropriate sampling methodologies for inspection or testing of consignments to verify compliance with phytosanitary requirements. The concept note and tentative timetable will be posted shortly.

APPPC Training Workshop on Fruit Fly Management 20-25 June 2016, Tien Giang, Viet Nam

Start date - End date
Short description
<p>This workshop aims to provide an opportunity to exchange experience and to discuss about sustainable management of fruit flies and reduce potential risk of chemical pesticides. It will explore scope for closer collaboration among countries regarding management of fruit flies in particular as well as other plant pests in general. Concept note and tentative timetable can be uploaded below.&nbsp;</p>